News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


WAAS Approaches Outnumber ILS

The number of GPS-based wide-area augmentation system (WAAS) instrument approach procedures in the U.S.

NOAA Expands WAAS Network

NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey last month said it incorporated 43 new GPS tracking sites into the continuously operating reference station (CORS) network,

Notams Redefine U.S. Flight Requirements

In conjunction with the Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense and Customs and Border Protection, a

FAA Reopens ADS-B Comment Period

In an unusual déjà vu-triggering step, the FAA has reopened for 30 days the comment period on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Automatic Depende

WAAS approaches outnumber ILS

As of September 25, the number of GPS-based wide-area augmentation system (WAAS) instrument approach procedures in the U.S.

NextGen ATC test program takes shape at Embry-Riddle

In Daytona Beach, just 60 miles northeast of the Orange County Convention Center here in Orlando, the NextGen testbed facility at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical

NextGen Taking Shape at Embry-Riddle

The NextGen testbed facility at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach campus is gearing up for a demonstration next month that will advance

DOT IG Chides FAA Over ATC Uncertainty

DOT Inspector General Calvin Scovel III told attendees of a House Committee on Science and Technology hearing last month that “developing NextGen is one of

UBS Reports Slowing Bizav Flight Activity

According to UBS Investment Research’s business jet update issued on Friday, U.S.

Operators ‘Non-positive’ about ADS-B

A cost-benefit case for ADS-B equipage of general aviation aircraft cannot be made, concluded an Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) in a report published

NextGen Taking Shape at Embry-Riddle

The NextGen testbed facility at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach campus is gearing up for a demonstration in November that will advance

User consensus on ADS-B remains elusive

When the FAA called in March for public comment on its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on ADS-B equipage, it was with the understanding that there was

FAA video outlines NextGen plans

Everybody in aviation has heard about NextGen, the buzzterm that stands for the ponderous Next Generation Air Transportation System.

Politics turning NowGen into ‘Not-quite-yetGen’

The prospect of instituting near-term ATC improvements as industry waits for the arrival of NextGen in the 2020s seems now to have been delayed for at leas

NextGen Implementation a Huge Challenge for U.S.

While the need for ATC modernization is generally undisputed, DOT Inspector General Calvin Scovel III

FAA Awards ATC Training Contract to Raytheon

The FAA on Tuesday awarded a $437 million contract to Raytheon to support the agency in training air traffic controllers.

TSA Access Protocols Enacted for GOP Convention

Holders of DCA Access Standard Security Program (DASSP) clearances will be permitted to operate through the temporary flight restriction (TFR) areas surrou

Media is better source for TFR areas

Warning that TFRs should be expected for any Presidential and Vice Presidential visits, NBAA is encouraging its members to monitor media reports of planned

Avionics Update: Transportation Department begins audit of FAA's Nexcom project

The DOT last month began a top-to-bottom audit of the FAA’s next-generation
air-to-ground communications (Nexcom) program that is closely scrutinizin

FAA roadmap calls for gradual introduction of Rnav and RNP

The FAA has released a “roadmap” for performance-based navigation that would enable pilots to use Rnav and RNP (required navigation performance) procedures

Battle lines drawn in ATC privatization fight

Although Congress is on its annual summer vacation, the battle over privatization of ATC continued at press time.

"Tailored" arrivals reduce fuel and cut emissions

Boeing and its partners in industry and government accomplished significant reductions in fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions during recent tests

Washington Report: NATA questions domestic RVSM costs

The National Air Transportation Association said in a letter to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that the FAA has failed to take into account the

Potomac Tracon now in full operation

Consolidation of five terminal radar approach control facilities into the new Potomac Tracon, located in Vint Hill, Va., is now complete.

Avionics Update: Arinc's digital ATIS package aimed at smaller airports

You’ve probably never given it much thought, but recording and updating those ATIS voice messages is a royal pain in the neck for controllers.

Controllers blast FAA over staffing shortage

A shortage of controllers at Chicago Center and an uptick in air traffic in that sector are a prescription for disaster that the FAA has so far ignored at

RNAV and RNP to replace ground navaids

The FAA has released a road map for performance-based navigation that will enable pilots to use Rnav and RNP procedures in all phases of flight in the Nati

Nav Canada to proceed with fees increase

Following the mandatory 60-day consultation period, Nav Canada was planning to go ahead with a 6.9-percent average increase to its air navigation service c