News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


Europe ready to start datalink com in 2005

While the FAA has decided to postpone the introduction of controller/pilot datalink communications (CPDLC) in the NAS, Eurocontrol has stated its intent to

Report lays foundation for future ATM system

Boeing’s air traffic management (ATM) division has issued its third and final report on future high-level needs for the world’s ATM environment.

Alliance Seeks To Speed Up NextGen

The Alliance for Sustainable Air Transportation (ASAT) was publicly launched in late June at a summit on global climate change in Miami.

Congress poised to support Gulf low-level ATC initiatives

Taking a more proactive stance than was common in the past, HAI has in recent months been energetically lobbying on Capitol Hill in favor of the developmen

Washington Report: Stars constellation shines but shrinks

Although the FAA has finally commissioned its first standard terminal automation replacement system (Stars), the agency has drastically reduced the number

Washington Report: NTSB wants backup conflict alerts

Citing last summer’s midair collision between a DHL International Airways Boeing 757 and a Bashkirian Airlines Tupolev Tu-154 over southern Germany, the NT

Paper on way out in aviation's future

One of the least welcome rites of passage for copilots is the routine chore of updating the company’s flight operations documents, with Jeppesen manuals pr

Pilot is first to fill new ATC position

American Airlines Capt.

Washington Report: 'That blank screen'

Calling September 11 the dividing line between our nation’s approach to aviation security on a “relatively peacetime” footing and the new “wartime environm

Washington Report: Privatized ATC upsets controllers

Even the hint of a privatized ATC system in the Bush Administration’s budget for fiscal year 2003 has “angered and disappointed” the National Air Traffic C

IAE booming, but future over long term questioned

International Aero Engines has logged orders for $1.4 billion worth of V2500 engines at Farnborough.

GAO: Operational Evolution Plan 'falls far short'

Unless airline passenger traffic remains at the current reduced levels over the long term, the FAA’s Operational Evolution Plan (OEP) to increase system ca

Honeywell LAAS passes trials with flying colors

Honeywell has completed a series of GPS-guided autoland approaches to each of the four runways at Moses Lake Airfield in central Washington using a single

GPS jamming still a major concern

The DOT Volpe Center’s September 10 report on the vulnerability of GPS to jamming and other interference, in addition to the events of the following day, h

BAe 146 studying climate effects of Kota rain forests

A BAE Systems Regional Aircraft regional jet is flying over Asia to improve understanding of how equatorial rain forests influence climate change.

Russian airline chooses Snecma engine services

S7 Airlines announced here yesterday that it has signed a 13-year engine service per hour contract with Snecma Services covering its CFM56-5A engines.

Washington Report: FAA Tech Center now 'historic'

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) has designated the FAA William J.

Special traffic management challenged flight operations for Super Bowl

From Friday, February 1 through the morning of Super Bowl Sunday two days later, Retha Slade, customer service manager for General Aviation Corp.

'NowGen' ATC changes could speed up FAA's NextGen plan

Two recent ATC conferences underscore the various points of view about the most efficient ways to implement the next generation of air transportation, eith

New Alliance Plans To Help Usher In NextGen ATC

The Alliance for Sustainable Air Transportation (ASAT) was publicly launched late last week at a Florida summit on global climate change in Miami.

Natca blasts controller hiring plan

The issue of controller staffing is intensifying the long-running debate between the FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (Natca).

Galileo’s ‘early services’ a bid to stimulate market

Last year was a challenging time for Galileo, Europe’s fledgling global navigation satellite system (GNSS).

Europe takes big step toward a single sky

On May 6, a long-term solution to Europe’s air traffic control congestion problems came a giant step closer with the launch of the Single European Sky (SES

Russian optics on display place focus on civil realm

Urals Optical Mechanical Plant (UOMZ) is presenting its new SON-730 optical observation system here at Farnborough International (Hall 1 Stand B13), showin

DOT’s Congestion Plan Gets Cool Reception

The Transportation Department’s plan to manage congestion at New York’s three area airports drew criticism from industry witnesses and members of Congress

Getting bizav into the CDM loop

Collaborative decision-making (CDM), the effort instituted by the FAA and the airlines to reroute traffic each day away from anticipated weather trouble sp

Duncan is focused on RVSM compliance

Duncan Aviation of Lincoln, Neb., reports it is developing a number of products and services including more emphasis on its ambitious reduced vertical sepa

ISS developing RVSM for six more bizplanes

Innovative Solutions & Support continues its aggressive certification schedule of reduced vertical separation minimums (RVSM) equipment for a wide rang
Charter & Fractional

DayJet, FAA To Jointly Prove NextGen Technologies

Very light jet air-taxi operator DayJet today signed an agreement with the FAA to start a five-year, phased implementation of proven NextGen technologies t