Content Archive: August 2015


Satcom Direct Validates Ka-band Services for Bizav

With speeds of up to 50 Mbps, Jet ConneX will deliver global satcom services that support streaming videos in flight.

Bell To Open Jet Ranger X Facility, Reports on Progress

Bell 505 is approximately halfway through its flight-test program and is on track to gain Transport Canada certification by year-end.
Maintenance and Modifications

Constant Completes 30th Legacy 96-month Inspection

The company is currently at work on the 31st such inspection.

Inspector General Audit Report Raps ATC Tower Efficiency

Inefficient tower operations cost the government $853 million over five years, according to the Department of Transportation inspector general.
Regulations and Government

TSA Misses Deadline for Action On DCA ASO Effort

The industry-based ASAC hopes for an update on activities surrounding recommendation to eliminate "the guy with the gun" requirement when it next meets.

More Kremlin Cash Underwrites Superjet Lease Deals

Russian leasing groups GTLK and Ilyushin Finance are helping to boost transactions involving Sukhoi's Superjet 100 airliner.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Indian Army Wants 600 Mini-UAV Systems

Foreign OEMs are teaming with Indian companies who will bid for the work.

U.S. Will Send F-22s To Europe to Bolster Allies, Deter Russia

F-22s will deploy to Europe for inaugural training mission 'soon,' but the Air Force did not reveal the timing or location of the deployment.
Maintenance and Modifications

New Class Enters Training at Lufthansa Technik Group

The school is designed to support students on their way to professions in technical aircraft services or aircraft logistics.
Maintenance and Modifications

FAA OKs Spirit Aeronautics Turbine Service Ratings

The approval covers Rolls-Royce, Honeywell and Pratt & Whitney Canada engines.