Content Archive: August 2015

Regulations and Government

TSA Misses Deadline for Action On DCA ASO Effort

The industry-based ASAC hopes for an update on activities surrounding recommendation to eliminate "the guy with the gun" requirement when it next meets.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Indian Army Wants 600 Mini-UAV Systems

Foreign OEMs are teaming with Indian companies who will bid for the work.
Maintenance and Modifications

New Class Enters Training at Lufthansa Technik Group

The school is designed to support students on their way to professions in technical aircraft services or aircraft logistics.

Airplanes Were in Contact with Tower before Colliding

NTSB says pilots of the Cessna 172 and Sabreliner that collided near San Diego Brown Field Municipal Airport on August 16 were in contact with the tower.

Singapore and Europe To Study Wake Turbulence

Aviation authorities will study whether landing separation standards can be tightened.

Aviastar Rekindles Hopes for Tu-204

Sees ruble devaluation, opening Iranian market as potential demand drivers
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

FAA Details Bizjet Drone Encounters

The FAA released a list of more than 750 drone sightings, including several from business aircraft operators.

Rostvertol Confirms Export Sale of Mi-26T2 Heavy Helicopter

Algeria is launch customer for latest version; report says package also includes Mi-28N attack helicopters and Mi-8 overhauls.

Pilot Uninjured in Iowa Helicopter Crash

The pilot performed an autorotation after the engine failed.

NTSB Report Reveals Incongruity in King Air Crash

The pilot said that the autofeather system feathered the right propeller, but could not recall feathering the left engine.