Constant Completes 30th Legacy 96-month Inspection
The company is currently at work on the 31st such inspection.

Cleveland, Ohio-based Constant Aviation completed its thirtieth 96-month inspection on an Embraer Legacy 600. The 96-month inspection is one of the two most extensive inspections on the aircraft. It averages 3,300 man-hours and requires specialized tooling, equipment and specific knowledge of the airframe. Key elements includes the removal of more than 400 panels and external items, ailerons, flaps and rudder, inspection of interior structures, corrosion inspections, aft-tank functionality checks and the replacement of the aft-tank bladder, along with replacing the flight control cables.

“Constant Aviation is the only Embraer-authorized service center to have completed this many 96-month inspections on the Legacy 600. We currently have the 31st 96-month in-house and will have that completed within the next two weeks,” said Jim Rady, Constant Aviation’s Embraer program manager. “We have been a partner of Embraer since 1998 and have accomplished many firsts on its product line.” The company was the first service center, outside Embraer, to complete a 41,000-foot modification on the airframe and has also completed two wing changes and four nose changes, he noted.