
News and information on safety procedures and concerns.


Ergo 360 App Adds Flight Plan Integration

Knowing the location of shipping traffic when flying over the ocean could greatly increase the odds of survival in an emergency situation.
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Regulations and Government

Northern Jet Picks Web Manuals for Digital Docs

Northern Jet Management looks to a leaner and more efficient operation with the addition of Web Manuals services.
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Covid Cabin Cleaning Choices Confusing

Aircraft operators have much to consider when it comes to which methods they should use when it comes to Covid-19 disinfection.
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HAI Members Pledge 'Covid Clean'

The Helicopter Association International's "Covid Clean" program seeks to reassure rotorcraft customers.
Regulations and Government

Hawaii Pols Seek End to Part 135 Exemptions

Sens Schatz, Hirono introduce legislation to mandate 135 for air tour, skydiving ops.

Signature Rolls Out New Worldwide Covid Standards

Signature Flight Support, the world’s largest FBO chain, has launched SignatureAssure, its Covid-19 response program.
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Hill Dems Call For Helos To Have TAWS, Flight Recorders

A bill to mandate HTAWS and flight recorders for large helicopters was introduced by House and Senate Democrats.

Covid and Hurricanes Not a Good Mix

With 2020's hurricane season already off and running, Covid-19 could present an additional hurdle to FBOs and aircraft operators in the storm zone.

NATA Launches New Covid Standard for FBOs

NATA's Safety 1st Clean standard details what FBOs need to do to help curb the spread of Covid-19
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Jet Linx Applies Covid-killing Formula to Fleet

The Bioprotectus System being used by Jet Linx has been shown to be effective in killing the coronavirus that causes Covid-19.

New Cabin Tech Could Combat Covid-19

Honeywell to market UV cabin system.

Meridian Earns Dual IS-BAH Approval

New Jersey-based aviation services provider Meridian has achieved IS-BAH registration for its FBOs on both U.S. coasts.
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NATA Offers Hangar Foam System Information

In its effort to educate local fire officials about the use and problems with hangar foam discharge systems, NATA has provided some online resources.
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Hangar Foam: A Solution Looking for a Problem?

With inadvertant hangar foam system discharges on the rise, the aviation industry ponders if they reallly meet the purpose they were intended for.
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Aircraft Lasered During George Floyd Protests

Helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft were lasered in at least three American cities during the recent George Floyd protests.
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AviationManuals Offers Free Guide on Understanding MELs

The guide is intended to help flight departments better understand where and when a minimum equipment list is required.

ACI Issues Airport Ramp Up Guide for Covid Crisis

With airport traffic expected to rise towards pre-Covid levels once again, Airports Council International has issued guidelines for ramping up operations.

HAI Calls For FDM in Piston Helicopters

The Helicopter Association International calls for installing flight recorders in all new helicopters, not just those with turbine engines.

NTSB Calls On Helo OEMs To Install Recording Systems

The NTSB wants helicopter manufacturers to equip turbine-powered helicopters with crash-resistant systems to record data, audio, and images.

Sustaining Safety Culture Focus of Wyvern Webinar

Andreas Mauritzson of Sun Air Jets says the key to a successful safety management system is one that's "lived" by every employee in every department.

Bizav Owner-pilots Aim High on Safety, Professionalism

Striving for safe owner-pilot operations is all about adopting a professional attitude to flying.
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FSF BARS Program Goes Virtual

FSF is using remote monitoring and video conference to keep BARS program moving forward during Covid-19 pandemic.

AINsight: Genav Automation Comes of Age

Garmin Autoland is brilliantly engineered and demonstrates advancements in avionics, autonomous flight, sensor, and servo technologies.

Keeping Flight Crews Sharp is a Covid Concern

A Wyvern webinar examined how to keep pilots sharp from the perspective of Part 91 and Part 135 operators.
Charter & Fractional

Air Charter Group Protests Against UK Quarantine Rules

The Air Charter Association says the UK's quarantine rules will make it impossible for customers to make short visits to the country, harming business.

Starr Offers Usage-based Insurance Pricing

By sharing flight records with Starr Insurance, pilots can obtain discounts on aircraft rental insurance.
Regulations and Government

RIP SAFA: Euro Ramp Safety Inspections Have New Acronym

The European Union's Safety Inspection of Foreign Aircraft has become the EU Ramp Inspection Program, or RIP.

EASA Proposes eVTOL Certification Means of Compliance

EASA's Special Condition VTOL certification requirements include an Enhanced category for commercial operations in urban environments.
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Online Audits Offer Pandemic-era Solution

When the coronavirus pandemic shut down most travel, business aviation safety experts had to figure out a new way to conduct audits.

Aviation Orgs Call on FCC To Reverse Course on Ligado

Ten aviation organizations petitioned the FCC, urging it to reconsider an approval of a Ligado network that uses frequencies near those used by aviation.