
News and information on safety procedures and concerns.


PC-12s subject of airworthiness bulletin

In a special airworthiness information bulletin published on February 13, the FAA advised owners and operators of PC-12s to incorporate operational limitat

Torqued: Making ramp operations safer

I am sure we all recognize that working on an airport ramp is risky business, regardless of the particular job.

New FSF boss urges focus on safety, not blame

The September 29 midair collision between an Embraer Legacy and a Gol Airlines 737 over the Amazon was a baptism by fire for Bill Voss, who took over as pr

Nascar crews embrace SMS

After a Hendrick Motorsports King Air 200 crashed into Bull Mountain on Oct.
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CF34 Break-up Prompts Emergency AD

The FAA issued an emergency AD on Friday to all owners and operators of GE CF34-3A1, -3B and -3B1 turbofans after NTSB investigators found an electrical ar

Runway Incursion Forum Scheduled

The NTSB will hold a one-day forum on March 27 focusing on runway incursions and accidents and potential solutions.

Nav Canada To Launch ADS-B in Remote Areas

Nav Canada announced last week it plans this year and next to install ADS-B ground stations around Hudson Bay, which straddles high-latitude airline flight

Bounce Recovery Technique Training Recommended

The NTSB is asking the FAA to require Part 121 and 135 airlines to incorporate bounced landing recovery techniques in their flight manuals and to teach the

Mitsubishi Supports FAA MU-2 Safety Review

Addison, Texas-based Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, which services the more than 400 MU-2s operating outside of Japan, expressed its approval and coo

Flight Department Says FOQA Delivers

Jeffrey Sands, director of flight operations for Altria, disclosed results of his company’s participation in a Flight Safety Foundation demonstration of a

Business Turbine Airplane Fatalities Increase

The number of fatalities in turbine business airplane accidents increased nearly 80 percent in the first nine months of this year compared with the same pe

TAG Aviation Opens FBO in Madrid

TAG Aviation on Monday opened an FBO at Torrejon Airport in Madrid.

Eurocontrol To Address ATC Communications Errors

Eurocontrol and other stakeholders from across the aviation industry have agreed on the outline of a plan to address ATC communications safety issues in Eu

Bulletin Warns of R22/R44 Rotor Blade Debonding

A Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) issued today warns owners and operators of Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters that the rotor blade skin m

Safety of flight notice–Temperform USA aluminum parts

Information received during an FAA investigation into suspected unapproved parts indicates that Temperform USA, formerly of Mirada, Calif., had improperly

Torqued: Making ramp operations safer

I am sure we all recognize that working on an airport ramp is risky business, regardless of the particular job.

FAA ‘Foot-dragging’ Miffs NTSB

The NTSB expressed disappointment last month over the FAA’s alleged foot-dragging on several safety recommendations, and the safety agency changed the clas

New Jets To Come with Pilot Safety Program

Bombardier Aerospace's new Leading Edge is a flight crew safety-training and resource program being offered at no-charge with the purchase of a new Bombard

Private air-rescue foundation provides new financing model

Swiss air-rescue provider Rega is ready to help any similar organization that would like to set up a membership-based financing plan.

Lockheed Asks FAA To Issue JetStar ADs

As the maintenance paperwork trail on the Lockheed JetStar has wound its way from the Atlanta manufacturer to the FAA’s Transport Aircraft Certification br

FAA to research lower helicopter minimums in New York City area

If all goes well with a new $250,000-per-year research program the FAA is launching next month, pilots flying specially equipped rotorcraft will be able to

FSI upgrading training for runway emergencies

Luckily for my passengers, aircraft and me, the only times I’ve experienced a runway excursion have been during training.

Climb performance data poses challenge for pilots

Since the early days of powered flight, aircraft performance has been a mainstay of the pilot-training process.

Bombardier hosts its annual safety session

Ask any flight department manager his top operational priority and the number-one answer is running a safe operation.

Pilatus PC-12 and PT6A-60 Subject of NTSB Concern

The NTSB wants the FAA to require Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-60 starter-generators to be electrically isolated from the rest of the engine, a modifica

Agencies Fault Seat-belt Buckles and Attachments

Thousands of seat-belt buckles and attachments installed in airliners and corporate jets are the subject of two separate recommendations.

Operators Must Replace Certain Fire Extinguishers

Kidde portable fire extinguishers that have been determined to be faulty must be replaced in some 39,000 aircraft, according to a recent AD.

NTSB Calls for Cockpit Image Recorders

The NTSB, which has long called for the FAA to require cockpit voice recorders on smaller turbine airplanes, is now calling for the installation of so-call