Eyewear Intended To Defend Against Laser Attacks
The number of laser attacks on aircraft is on the rise.

PerriQuest Defense Research Enterprises has unveiled laser-protective eyewear, which it believes is a solution to address the dangers of an ever-increasing number of laser pointer attacks directed at aircraft. The company said the eyewear protects the wearer from harmful red, green and blue laser light without compromising their ability to perceive and distinguish color. The new glasses also protect the wearer from attacks at wide angles, not just head-on.

“While enforcement is important, mitigation technology is really going to put an end to this behavior," said PerriQuest founder Dr. Nicholas Perricone. "Once these glasses are in the hands of pilots and criminals know their lasers have been rendered useless, we will stop seeing so many incidents.”

Production of the new eyewear is set to begin this summer.