Cabin Interior and Electronics

News and developments about everything that goes into the cabin of an aircraft, from floor coverings to headliners, with a special emphasis on in-flight entertainment, communications and other electronics for passengers. If it is in the cabin of an aircraft, it’s covered here.

Cabin Interior and Electronics

Airbus Corporate Jets Presents Bluejay Cabin

Cabin Interior and Electronics

LBAS and OHS Deliver First Global

Cabin Interior and Electronics

Aerocon Puts the Quiet in the Cabin

Cabin Interior and Electronics

Leading Edge Seeking Edge in Cabinetry

Cabin Interior and Electronics

Iacobucci Seat Wins STC

Cabin Interior and Electronics

ICG eRouter Deliveries Begin

Cabin Interior and Electronics

Iacobucci Flexing Cabin Muscle

Cabin Interior and Electronics

Aircraft Interiors Expo Foresees Growth

Aircraft Interiors Expo Foresees Growth
Cabin Interior and Electronics

Avia Pulse: Take A Deep Breath and Relax


Cobham Signals Intent To Lead the Way

Cobham Signals Intent To Lead the Way
Cabin Interior and Electronics

EASA OKs TravelChair for Disabled Children

Cabin Interior and Electronics

328 Group Does A Brand Split

Cabin Interior and Electronics

AIN 2013 Aircraft Interiors Expo

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Cabin Interior and Electronics

ACJC Cuts Airbus VIP Cabin Weight

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Cabin Interior and Electronics

Jetsolution Teams with Global Jet

Cabin Interior and Electronics

AIN’s ABACE Cabin Guide

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Cabin Interior and Electronics

LHT Corners Asian Market For VIP Cabins

Cabin Interior and Electronics

Flying Colours Rising in the East

Cabin Interior and Electronics

JA Air Center Seeing Steady Growth