News, issues, personnel, equipment and developments about air traffic management.


Airbus and Boeing are now at odds over ATC initiatives

Traditionally, Boeing and Airbus have used the Paris and Farnborough airshows to announce multimillion-dollar sales contracts, in the hope of one-upping th

FAA moves forward on RNP implementation

In late summer, Jeff Williams, manager of the FAA’s newly established required navigation performance (RNP) program office, briefed a government/industry s

Groups urge Bush: make aviation capacity tops

In a show of solidarity that even FAA Administrator Jane Garvey acknowledged would have been “hard to imagine” two or three years ago, 13 aviation groups r

UK ATC system is privatized after years of debate, protest

After several years of bitter debate, partial privatization of the UK’s ATC system became a reality on July 27 when the Airline Group completed the acquisi

Nav Canada raises fees, defers capital projects

Nav Canada’s declining revenue from reduced traffic volume over the last year as a consequence of the slowing economy and September 11 has forced the opera

Controllers, pilots meet at BDL

“Grab your fast food and join us for lunch” was how the invitation opened.

FAA command center guards U.S. National Airspace System

Perhaps deliberately, the FAA’s Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) is not easy to find.

FAA wants more info on UAVs flying in domestic airspace

Powered by quiet motors and armed with conventional and infrared cameras and other specialized sensors, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are becoming more a

Controller Retirements Could Squeeze U.S. ATC

The FAA could face a shortage of air traffic controllers in the next decade unless it makes more adequate plans to replace as many as 11,000 current contro

FAA Picks ADS-B Architecture

The FAA has decided that automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) will use a combination of the 1090-MHz extended squitter surveillance link for

Installation of New Controller Aids Begins

As part of its ongoing Operational Evolution Plan (OEP), the FAA has begun installing new equipment that will simultaneously provide weather and aircraft p

Operators fume over steep costs of DRVSM

August 8 marked the official close of the rulemaking comment period
on the contentious FAA proposal calling for implementation of domestic reduced ve

FAA opts for nationwide public-use RNP routes

Too often, as their terms of office draw to a close, politicians and political appointees sign into law decisions and future commitments that many might de

Commission Raps UK ATC

ATC in Europe costs about 70 percent more than in the U.S., according to the 2001 annual report of the Eurocontrol Performance Review Commission (PRC) publ

Natca Calls for NextGen Moratorium

National Air Traffic Controllers Association (Natca) president Patrick Forrey raised more than a few eyebrows in a recent speech at the Washington Aero Clu

New York Center, Tracon to share ‘Crystal Palace’

The New York Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) and the New York Tracon will be combined into one building under an FAA plan to integrate air traffic

Portions of U.S. Can Expect Sporadic GPS Outages

The Department of Defense is conducting more GPS interference tests in the western U.S.

Extra safety margin afforded by URET

Until the final report is published of the Boeing 757/Tupolev Tu-154 midair collision over Switzerland on July 1, there will probably be continuing specula

Chamber of Commerce aviation summit: NowGen will evolve to NextGen

The next-generation ATC system (NextGen) will not be turned on instantly with the flip of a switch but rather will evolve over a period of years as compone

FAA Asked To Widen Choice for Nexcom Technology

To ensure that FAA’s final selection of technology for its next-generation communications (Nexcom) is the most cost effective, the General Accounting Offic

Will single approach type catch on at FAA?

The FAA is considering a Boeing proposal that eventually could replace 18 different kinds of instrument approaches with a single, ILS-like procedure.

Stars Wars

The FAA and the Transportation Department’s inspector general are at loggerheads over whether the new Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (Star

Controllers angered over Schiavo quote

National Air Traffic Controllers Association president John Carr reacted angrily to former DOT inspector general Mary Schiavo’s citing of controller safety

Expect More ATC Strikes in Europe

Air traffic controller work stoppages last month in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Hungary will likely continue from time to time in these and other Eu

Controller Retirements Could Squeeze U.S. ATC

The General Accounting Office warned the FAA that unless it makes better plans to replace the 5,000 air traffic controllers expected to retire over the nex

Cincinnati Class B Airspace Changes Adopted

Effective July 11 the Cincinnati Class B airspace was reconfigured to eliminate the portion of the airspace over Claremont County Airport (area G), expand

Honeywell suing TAWS manufacturers

Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) manufacturers Goodrich, Sandel and Universal are being sued by Honeywell for alleged patent infringement.

FAA, Natca Forge Safety Action Pact

The FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (Natca) earlier this week signed an agreement to create an Air Traffic Safety Action Program (

ADS-B Program Wins Collier Trophy

The National Aeronautic Association (NAA) has selected the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Team of public and private sector groups as the 2007

WAAS Milestone

The FAA recently passed a major milestone in the move toward NextGen with the implementation of the 1,000th instrument approach that uses the enhanced GPS