Content Archive: August 2019


Gulfstream Aerospace Delivers First Large-cabin G600

Gulfstream Aerospace has delivered the first G600—to an unidentified U.S. customer—from its Savannah, Georgia headquarters.
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Humanitarian Group Deploys Two More Caravans

Air Serv, which operates five Cessna Caravans, has relocated another two of them to eastern Africa to support aid programs in the strife-torn region.
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Training and Workforce

NBAA's SDC Prepares for 2020 Scholarships

The organization's Schedulers & Dispatchers Committee will hand out nearly $40,000 in scholarships at next year's conference in Charlotte.

ICAO Bulletin Caps NAT Region Datalink Altitude

The new cap on NAT Region datalink mandate altitude will help operators of older business jets that can climb above FL410 before entering NAT airspace.

AINsight: When Can’t I Fly?

Are there medical circumstances when it is certain that a pilot cannot fly? Quite clearly there are, and these provisions are outlined in FAA Part 67.

Airwolf Adds FAA-approved Bell 407 Main Rotor Elastomerics

Airwolf Aerospace's new elastomeric bearings for the Bell 407 main rotor head offer operators a lower-cost option for replacement parts.
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Onboard Systems Receives STC For Cockpit Load Indicator

The new C-40 device is an improvement over its 20-year-old C-39, offering a simple change from the earlier model.

Latest Kashmir Crisis Threatens Pakistani Airspace Closure

Pakistan’s airspace may close again, after reopening in July following five months of disruption.
Maintenance and Modifications

Banyan Completes First HondaJet APMG Upgrade

The package modfies a HondaJet into a better-performing HondaJet.
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Maintenance and Modifications

Airbus Helicopters Opens Malaysian Completions Center

Airbus Helicopters opened its new regional completion and delivery center (CDC) in Subang, Malaysia, as it streamlines its services in Asia.