
News and information about crew, passenger, aircraft and airport security issues.


Anti-missile defense systems have legislators’ attention

Man-carried portable air defense systems (Manpads), also known as shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, in the hands of terrorists have a lot of people ve

General aviation faces tougher security rules

Homeland security experts are considering new measures to tighten security for general aviation operators as part of an ongoing attempt to prepare for unkn

TSA grapples with GA security

Although the Transportation Security Administration’s general aviation airport security guidelines working group was unable to reach a consensus on how to
Regulations and Government

FAA adding EVAS to its entire fleet

For years, the marketers of the Emergency Vision Assurance System (EVAS) have been asking the FAA to require the product.

DHS Seeks To Avert GA Nuke Nightmare

“The nightmare scenario that we talk about is the possibility of a weapon of mass destruction being detonated in a city,” Department of Homeland Security S
Charter & Fractional

Bizav Accused of ‘Complacency’ Toward Security

“A troubling trend has developed that threatens to harm business aviation in unimaginable ways–complacency,” claims Aviation Security International.

9/11 Panel To Subpoena Documents from the FAA

The commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks is subpoenaing documents it says the FAA has withheld.

Jet Aviation and Kollsman Explore Anti-SAM Systems

In separate efforts, Jet Aviation and Kollsman are the latest companies to explore possible anti-surface-to-air-missile (SAM) systems.

No More Delays Likely for Air-taxi Security Compliance

“After May 1 operators not meeting the full requirements of the [twelve-five and private charter security] rules will be considered to be in noncompliance,

Sanity urged in genav post-9/11 security policy

With the forcible shutdown of Chicago Meigs Field fresh in their minds, several members of the House aviation subcommittee called to eliminate some of the

Missile Countermeasures Approved on G500 Series

Gulfstream now offers the FAA-approved BAE Systems Matador infrared surface-to-air missile countermeasure system for the G500, G550 and GV.

9/11 helo aftermath: ‘normal’ but not quite

It has been just over two years since four hijacked jetliners stopped the world in its tracks on what was for residents of the New York City and Washington

NBAA: Balance Security and Economy

With the first hints that the Bush Administration is considering raiding the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) to help fund security-related expenses in 20

Bizav Security Study Flawed, Claims NBAA

A recent survey of fewer than 60 pilots on the state of the business aviation industry’s security measures is significantly flawed, NBAA asserts.

TSA Starts Conducting 12-5 Program Inspections

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is in the process of contacting air taxi operators regulated by the Twelve-Five Standard Security Program

Special Report: Business Aviation Security

A few days after last September 11 it became apparent that the FAA and even the Department of Transportation did not have much say in aviation security mat

How Secure Is Your Flight Department As a Whole?

Facility Access
• Is the hangar/FBO property fenced off from the street and from adjoining unsecured property?
• How do you control access

Euro airports and FBOs also heighten security

In Europe, reaction to September 11 included shock, outrage, empathy and resolve.

Extra Security Requirements Could Be Too Onerous for Regional Airlines

Regional airlines, long dependent on the efficiencies their comparatively low cost structures bring, have watched increased security burdens since Septembe
Regulations and Government

FAA’s ASAP hasn’t flown with maintenance techs

The FAA’s Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) is designed to identify and correct dangerous operational situations that might not come to the attention o
Regulations and Government

NTSB Closes Docket On Repair Station Security

The Transportation Security Administration’s notice of public meeting and request for comments on “Aircraft Repair Station Security” (Docket No.

Air Security International To Assist at NBAA Seminars

NBAA has turned to an outside vendor to assist in conducting the association’s security seminars.

Airline pilots slam cockpit gun ban

“The DOT would rather let an F-16 shoot down a hijacked airplane than let pilots carry guns in the cockpit,” was The Wall Street Journal’s response to Tran

Journey's end for TWA 800

The journey of TWA Flight 800, which began from New York JFK International Airport on the hot evening of July 17, 1996, finally ended this spring, not at i

TSA issues airport security guidelines

General aviation received some good news and some not-so-good news last month with regard to airport security.
The good news is that the Transportat

NATA Launches Ramp Safety Initiative

The National Air Transportation Association launched a risk-management program intended to halve ramp-related accidents over the next five years.

Simple solution might curb ‘landovers’

The FAA is investigating having VASI and PAPI lights begin flashing when the landing runway is occupied.

NBAA, NATA Critical of New Twelve-five Rule

NBAA and the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) have submitted comments on the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) “twelve-five” pro