
News and information about crew, passenger, aircraft and airport security issues.


Hacking an Electronic Airplane Is Not Quite So Easy

Multiple points of redundancy provide a certain level of safety against hacking, says one expert.

FAA delays Hawaii Weather Cam Decision To 2018

Weather cams help safety in Alaska, so why the delay with installations in Hawaii and elsewhere?
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IBAC and ICAO Letters Address Libyan Airspace Risks

Business aircraft operators would do well to steer clear of Libya, says IBAC.

State of Union TFR Bans Flights over Washington, D.C.

GA operations inside flight restricted zone are prohibited between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.

Security Expert Raises Issues of Satcom Vulnerabilities

The Black Hat USA security conference in August included a presentation on satcom cyber security issues.
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Brazilian King Air, Thought Hijacked, Still Missing

Region lacks radar coverage but has an abundance of legal and clandestine private airfields.

Kidnappings in Malaysia Curb Chinese Airline Service

Chinese airlines have cut service to the Malaysian state of Sabah after a spate of kidnappings.
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