
News and information on safety procedures and concerns.


Primus Epic AD covers GIV, GV

The FAA last month issued another airworthiness directive related to the Primus Epic avionics system, this time calling for GIV and GV operators to revise

Marinvent display wins U.S. patent

Marinvent, the Canadian research firm, received a U.S.

NTSB wants less trust in thrust reversers

The use of thrust reversers to shorten landing distance is a great benefit to aviation.

Collision Avoidance for the Little Guy

Avidyne has launched a range of active surveillance traffic systems for helicopters, with prices beginning at $9,900–less than half the cost of competing s

New safety initiative takes first steps

At a briefing at February’s Heli-Expo in Dallas, members of the industry’s newly formed International Helicopter Safety Team briefed delegates on their str

ARSA asks Feds to review FAA drug/alcohol policy

The cost of having a business aircraft worked on by a certified repair station that also works on airline aircraft may go up as a result of new FAA drug an

FAA requires more stringent training for MU-2 operators

The FAA is not planning to ground the Mitsubishi MU-2, despite a plea from Rep.

Those concerned about the safety of the food being served on their aircraft have two new sources of information

Erica Sheward’s long-awaited book Aviation Food Safety is now available from Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DK, England, te

Tackling the Winy City's Winter Weather

DuPage has 10.8 million sq ft of pavement, including runways, taxiways, ramp area, roads and parking lots.

Vigilance required to ensure ramp safety

Ramp accidents and incidents continue to plague the aviation industry, but the good news is that FBOs, charter operators and flight departments are taking

FAA warns of unintended release of rotary seatbelt buckles

Pilots flying almost every type of business jet and airliner and some turboprops face a risk of inadvertent seatbelt release, according to a bulletin the F

ICAO Action Wins FSF Praise

The Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) is praising the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for approving an amendment that protects safety informa

DOT Auditing Runway Incursions

Despite the installation of runway collision avoidance equipment at many of the nation’s largest airports, recently there has been an increase in the numbe

Europe's ACAS II exemptions expire

On March 31 exemptions to ACAS II (TCAS II, Change 7) requirements in Europe were set to expire.

Probe continues into death at FBO

The investigation into the apparently accidental death of line employee Joyce Miller, 29, on February 28 at Wilson Air Center’s Charlotte/Douglas Internati

DOT HAZMAT rules revised

The DOT last month issued a rule amending the requirements for the transportation of hazardous materials by aircraft.

Better Aviation English Goal of Program

A new FAA program is intended to improve the use of comprehensible English as the international language of aviation and support new English language profi

Buy Bird Flu Test Kits but not in U.S.

Applied Biosystems, a Warrington, UK, subsidiary of Applera of Norwalk, Conn., is marketing an avian influenza test kit in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Mid

Another Icing-related AD for Caravans

The FAA last month issued AD 2006-06-06, the result of further icing accidents and incidents involving the Cessna Caravan, flight manual revisions that con

FAA searches for solution to Caravan icing accidents

Concerned about the growing number of Cessna 208 Caravan icing accidents, aviation authorities in the U.S.

Mode-S Exemptions To End Next March

A new rule will end the hundreds of mode-S installation exemptions currently in effect.

Business Aviation Safety: Can risk-management training improve the industry's record?

The spate of high-profile business aviation accidents a little more than a year ago, many of which were Part 135 flights, has prompted industry experts to

‘Virtual radar’ system raises security concerns

The popular but, some would say, odd pastime of planespotting has recruited new high-tech help, a “virtual radar” hooked to a personal computer that allows

Operators raise concerns about Learjets 40 and 60

The Bombardier Learjet 40 and 60 have been attracting attention after one Learjet 60 operator recently raised word of a potential fire hazard that exists w

Torqued: Montrose report provides more questions than answers

Many of you may remember that there was an accident involving a Challenger 600 in Montrose, Colo., in November 2004.

Europe reviews regulations for helicopter EMS operations

EMS operators in Europe are providing some input in the ongoing debate in the U.S.
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Another Gulfstream facility gets environmental, safety ok

Gulfstream’s Long Beach, Calif., business-jet completions and product support site is now ISO 14001- and OHSAS 18001-compliant.

FSI expands maintenance courses through global jet services

FlightSafety will now provide its customers direct access to the full array of Global Jet Services professional development maintenance courses, including

FSI to provide Gulfstream techs with maintenance training

Under the terms of an agreement signed by Gulfstream Aerospace and FlightSafety International (FSI), FSI will provide systems training to Gulfstream techs

The Everglades ValuJet crash… 10 years later

It has been 10 years since the ValuJet DC-9 accident in the Everglades that cost the lives of 110 people and a considerable amount of money.