Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

AOPA: Advisory Group Lacks GA Reps

The FAA Management Advisory Council (MAC) should have more representation from general aviation, AOPA told Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta early las
Regulations and Government

NATA Calls Town Halls Successful

After recent visits to three Florida airports under pressure either to close or severely restrict operations, National Air Transportation Association presi
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NASAO Lauds Washington State

The National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) has named Washington the “Most Innovative State” this year for developing an online pilot-regi

DOT IG: GA Contributes to Air Traffic Congestion

A DOT Inspector General report on Na
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FAA Mandates Better Voice and Flight Data Recorders

The FAA is mandating updated aircraft cockpit voice and flight data recorders for airplanes with 10 or more seats and operating under Parts 121, 125 or 135

FAA’s ADS-B NPRM Not Exactly a Slam Dunk

The FAA received more than 250 user comments about its ADS-B proposal before the comment period ended Tuesday, and the consensus is a fairly solid “Yes, bu
Regulations and Government

Senate Urged To Pass FAA Reauthorization Bill Now

A coalition of 36 aviation organizations–including NBAA, GAMA and NATA, though not AOPA or ATA–sent a letter to the full U.S.
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Washington Report: March 2008

• Following the recess for the year-end holiday season, the 110th Congress apparently was in no rush to resume work on leftover legislation and to prepare
Charter & Fractional

Operational control: FAA’s interest extends farther back than last year

Well before the conclusion of its extensive investigation of AMI Jet Charter and emergency revocation of AMI’s charter certificate last year, the FAA in
Regulations and Government

Industry vows to fight proposed FY09 budget

When the FAA unveiled its Fiscal Year 2009 budget, it was another sign that the budget battle and the threat of user fees is far from over.
Regulations and Government

European aviation firms brace for carbon trading

The outlines of aviation’s place in the EU Emission Trading Scheme– a CO2 emission permit market–are becoming clearer.
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Citing concerns, senators delay Sturgell hearing

Shortly after a Senate confirmation hearing last month for acting FAA Administrator Robert Sturgell to take the job permanently, New Jersey’s two Democrati

FAA Cuts Red Tape for Air Traffic Controller Hiring

To streamline the application process for air traffic controllers, the FAA has created consolidated screening and testing centers to provide “one-stop shop
Regulations and Government

House Aviation Subcommittee Probes Runway Safety

During a House aviation subcommittee hearing on runway safety yesterday, DOT Inspector General Calvin Scovel noted that aviation stakeholders are expressin

GAMA and DOT IG Agree on NextGen Urgency

At Tuesday’s Annual Industry Review and Market Outlook, GAMA president and CEO Pete Bunce reiterated business aviation’s call for the government to drop th
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Stimulus Package Includes More Bonus Depreciation

The $168 billion economic stimulus plan President Bush signed yesterday includes a provision that alters section 168(k) of the Internal Revenue Code to all
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NJ Senators Block Sturgell Nomination

Shortly after a Senate confirmation hearing last week for Robert Sturgell to become the next FAA Administrator, New Jersey’s two Democratic senators announ
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Aviation Emissions Investigation Requested

Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: February 2008

• The House of Representatives of the 110th Congress adjourned in mid-December.

Lithium battery fires spark new rules

New regulations limiting–and in some cases prohibiting–the transport of certain types of batteries on passenger aircraft are directed at the airlines, but
Regulations and Government

New FAA Staffers Named

President Bush has appointed Douglas Lavin as FAA assistant administrator of the newly created Office of International Aviation, and Sharon Pinkerton as as
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Congressional Observer: May 2003

Cutting President Bush’s proposals to reduce taxes by some $726 billion; concern over ever increasing deficits that are now approaching a record $400 billi
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Icy Reception for Bush’s FY09 FAA Budget

The Bush Administration yesterday proposed a $14.643 billion
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No consensus on user fees, FAA awaits new funding

With the 110th Congress back in Washington for its second session, the general aviation community was girding last month to continue its opposition to user

DOT watchdog criticizes high pay for air traffic controllers

With the major airlines toppling in all directions, and the opportunities there for young pilots diminishing rapidly, maybe thinking about a different care
Regulations and Government

Enhanced vision subject of proposed FAR update

Some have called enhanced vision the single most important advance in aviation safety since the introduction of airborne weather radar more than 40 years a
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Senate Might Delay FAA Budget Action

With FAA reauthorization still bogged down in the Senate over user fees, staff members are drafting a bill to extend the current aviation excise taxes unti
Regulations and Government

FAA Finalizes Mandatory MU-2 Training SFAR

Yesterday, the FAA issued the final version of MU
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R&D Funding, Coordination Urged

General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) president Ed Bolen added his voice to a growing chorus that is pushing for more government coordination a
Regulations and Government

Blakey Boosts FSDO Consistency

FAA Administrator Marion Blakey chose a speech before the Washington Aero Club to announce a new project designed to bring more consistency among the vario