Regulations and Government

News about bills, laws, regulations and other governmental decisions affecting aviation and aerospace. Topics include FAA re-authorizations, taxes on fuel and aviation activities, environmental legislation, ICAO decisions, governmental mediation of labor conflicts and World Trade Organization disputes and decisions.

Regulations and Government

Candidates’ Plans for Bizav Remain Hazy

When the new president takes office in January, among the myriad issues to be addressed will be the concerns of the aviation community.
Regulations and Government

Controllers Union Gains Bargaining Unit

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association (Natca) has officially added 150 ATC specialists assigned to the flight service option at Automated Flight
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: October 2008

• While Congress was on a five-week recess from August to September, the process for nominating presidential candidates (Senators John McCain and Barack Ob

TSA Plan Would Sharply Complicate Operations for All GA Aircraft Weighing 12,500 Pounds or More

The TSA today released a notice of proposed rulemaking for its Large Aircraft Security Program
Regulations and Government

New Drug/Alcohol Test Procedure Clarified

“Direct observation” of aviation employees during drug and alcohol tests applies only to individuals who are returning to duty after a previous positive te

Notams Redefine U.S. Flight Requirements

In conjunction with the Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense and Customs and Border Protection, a

FAA Reopens ADS-B Comment Period

In an unusual déjà vu-triggering step, the FAA has reopened for 30 days the comment period on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Automatic Depende
Regulations and Government

European SE-IMC ops could face further delays

Plans for European commercial single-engine operations under instrument
meteorological conditions or at night (SE-IMC/night) are progressing slowly a
Regulations and Government

Industry awaits ARC report on changes to ADS-B plan

At a recent NextGen conference, Jim Linney of the FAA’s ADS-B office detailed the user community’s response to the invitation to comment on the agency’s no
Regulations and Government

New Rule Could Halt Parts Exportation

PMA manufacturers might have a harder time exporting their civilian aircraft parts due to a new International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR rule) issue
Regulations and Government

Drug/Alcohol Test Procedures Change

The FAA (Booth No.
Regulations and Government

Candidates’ stances on bizav issues remain hazy

When the new president takes office in January, among the myriad issues he’ll address will be the concerns of the aviation community.
Regulations and Government

Eclipse Aviation Meets Congress

Congressional hearings are often contentious, and the House aviation subcommittee investigation of the Sept.
Regulations and Government

Regulations pose challenges for foreign operators in Russia

Because there are few business jets registered in Russia, almost all business jets flying into the nation are foreign-registered and therefore subject to t
Regulations and Government

SCR process in place to correct certification oversights

One of the tools in the FAA’s kit is the special certification review (SCR).
Regulations and Government

NTSB Orders FAA To Reimburse Wronged Pilots

The NTSB’s chief administrative law judge on September 3 ordered the FAA to pay $12,475 in attorney fees and expenses to two pilots, whom the Agency had ac
Regulations and Government

Report: GA still poses a threat to U.S. security

Seven years after 9/11, general aviation is still vulnerable to acts of terrorism because of inaction by the White House, according to a report prepared by
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FAA funding still a hot topic

As the presidential election enters the home stretch, still looming is the thorny question of reauthorizing FAA funding for the next four years and the eve
Regulations and Government

SDR Database Undergoes Testing

The FAA’s Service Difficulty Reporting System (SDR) database is undergoing maintenance and should be available for queries after testing is complete, accor

UBS Reports Slowing Bizav Flight Activity

According to UBS Investment Research’s business jet update issued on Friday, U.S.

Operators ‘Non-positive’ about ADS-B

A cost-benefit case for ADS-B equipage of general aviation aircraft cannot be made, concluded an Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) in a report published

House Panel Focuses Again on Runway Incursions

A near runway collision between a United Airlines regional jet and a Cessna 172 at Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE) in Allentown, Pa., on Septembe
Regulations and Government

Congress Extends FAA Funding Until March 31

The House and Senate agreed earlier this week to extend FAA programs and current aviation taxes on fuel and airline tickets for another six months, to Marc

NextGen Taking Shape at Embry-Riddle

The NextGen testbed facility at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Daytona Beach campus is gearing up for a demonstration in November that will advance

User consensus on ADS-B remains elusive

When the FAA called in March for public comment on its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on ADS-B equipage, it was with the understanding that there was

DOT: Eclipse Certification Probe ‘Just Beginning’

Last Wednesday’s congressional hearing on FAA certification and
Regulations and Government

FAA Vows To Tweak Certification Regs for VLJs

Following a nearly six-hour hearing before the House aviation subcommittee yesterday, FAA associate administrator Nicholas Sabatini promised that the agenc

NextGen Implementation a Huge Challenge for U.S.

While the need for ATC modernization is generally undisputed, DOT Inspector General Calvin Scovel III

Eclipse 500 Cleared in Special Certification Review

The FAA today agreed to act on recommendations released this morning as part of the Eclipse 500 special certification review (SCR).

9/11, Seven Years Later...

With today’s dedication of the country’s first major September 11 memorial at the Pentagon, Americans are recalling the events of that fateful day when air