
News about significant aircraft accidents and information from accident reports.


Faulty Rudder Control, Pilots' Response Led to AirAsia Crash

A sequence of events led to the December 2014 crash of the AirAsia Airbus A320, the Indonesia National Transportation Safety Committee found.
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Answers Sought for Why Citation Crashed While En Route

The Citation was cleared to climb to 41,000 feet before it vanished from radar and crashed.

NTSB Points to Icing in Citation Crash

The pilot took off with malfunctioning instruments and was then faced with elevated workload as the aircraft entered severe icing conditions.

Clark Wins NBAA Meritorious Award for Winglets

Technology has saved two billion gallons of fuel and reduced emissions.

Russia Concludes Bomb Brought Down Metrojet A321

Explosives residue found on wreckage
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NTSB: Weather 'Key Focus Area' in Hawker Crash

NTSB is beginning its first full day of the investigation.

NTSB Investigating Hawker 700 Crash in Akron

The aircraft erupted into flames after striking power lines and a building a mile from Runway 25 at Akron Fulton International Airport.

AW609 Crashed During High-speed Testing

Accident aircraft had logged 567 hours since its first flight in November 2006 and was scheduled to complete flight-testing by the end of next year.

Intelligence Points to Sinai Bomb Attack As Investigation Continues

Russia and the UK suspended flights to and from Egypt while awaiting the findings of an investigation into the October 31 crash of a Metrojet A321.
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Incorrect Nav Frequency Setting Led To Citation CFIT

The two pilots were killed when their aircraft crashed about 600 feet short of the VOR station, which was about one mile from the runway.

Accident: November 2015

Preliminary, final and factual reports

NTSB: 'Improper' Mx Caused Caravan Engine Failure

Post-accident examination of the engine revealed that all of the compressor turbine blades had separated.

Torqued: Is Gulfstream IV Crash Corporate Aviation’s Wakeup Call?

How does this incredibly experienced, long-time crew end up with a habitual failure to comply with checklists?

Investigators Probe Midair Breakup of Metrojet A321 Over Sinai

There were no survivors among the 224 people on board the flight from Sharm el-Sheikh to St Petersburg.
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AW609 Prototype Crashes in Italy, Killing Both Pilots

Prototype 2 of the civil tiltrotor went down during a routine test flight.

Uncommanded Nosegear Steering a Factor in GIV Crash

French accident investigators determined that the nosegear was pointed to the left after a hard touchdown.

Glasgow Police EC135 Crew Didn't React To Fuel Warnings

Both engines flamed out although usable fuel remained in the main tank of the Airbus Helicopters light twin.

Quest Kodiak 100 Substantially Damaged in Takeoff Crash

Registered as N153RW, the single-engine turboprop was substantially damaged in the accident, which occurred in day VMC.

Brazil Sentence Final for Legacy Midair Pilots

Under a legal cooperation treaty, the sentence of three years, one month and 10 days would be served in the U.S.

Dassault Begins Completions on Initial Falcon 8X Jets

The first customer-bound 8X arrived in Little Rock this month.
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AIN Blog: Is IS-BAO Worth the Paper It’s Printed On?

Pieces of paper won’t prevent an accident, but a safety culture backed by documentation that is believed in and adhered to will go a long way.

NTSB: BA 777 Suffered Uncontained Engine Failure

HPC failure shed fragments that breached engine case and cowling
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Fatality-free 2015 U.S. Bizjet Accident Streak Ends

N-numbered business jets and turboprops still have incurred fewer accidents year-over-year.

Deliberate Descent Below DH Led To Learjet Fatal

Accident caused by the crew "initiating and continuing a descent in IMC below the authorized altitude without visual contact with the runway environment."

Accidents: October 2015

Preliminary reports

Otter Crashed after Takeoff from Lake in Night VMC

Of the 10 people aboard, three passengers died and the ATP-rated pilot and four passengers sustained serious injuries

Learjet Operator and Crew Cited in Fatal Midair

Learjet conducted an “unexpected maneuver,” continuing a left-hand turn with an “excessive bank angle despite the loss of visual contact" with the fighter.

NTSB: Premier I Accident Pilot Impaired by Illegal Drug

Twinjet hit trees, crashed and was consumed by an explosion and post-crash fire on Dec. 13, 2013, while returning to land at Atlanta-area Airport.

Helinet Founder Purwin Perishes in Colombian Crash

Purwin, 53, founded the company that became Helinet in 1987 and was considered one of Hollywood’s top television and film helicopter and fixed-wing pilots.

Search Continues for Hawker 700 Missing in Africa

The aircraft and its seven passengers are still missing in Senegal.