
News about significant aircraft accidents and information from accident reports.


$40 Million Settlement in Seattle Newscopter Crash

Fatal Accident Injured Motorists

Embraer Stacks Up Bizjet Orders

Manufacturer announces sale of five aircraft to two European operators.
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Mexico Suspends Damojh Airlines Operations Following Crash

Death toll from May 18 accident rises to 111

Boeing 737 Crash in Cuba Kills 110

Three survivors pulled from wreckage outside Havana

Windshield Failure in Sichuan Airlines A319 Injures Pilot

First officer partially sucked out of airplane

USHST: Helicopter Accidents Steadily Declining

The data shows that the average number of total accidents per year has declined by 40 percent since the late 1980s.

NTSB Retains Hydraulic Components in Aeromed Crash

The Safety Board released its preliminary report.

Accidents: May 2018

Preliminary and final reports

NTSB: Southwest Airlines Followed Engine Inspection Protocol

Fractured blade in failed CFM56 underwent visual and fluorescent penetrant inspections during overhaul in 2012

U.S. Expands CFM Order to Newer Fan Blades

Amended advisory directive based on CFM service bulletin

Air Methods Aeromed AStar Crashes In Wisconsin

All three crewmembers aboard the helicopter were killed.

FAA Issues Emergency AD on CFM56 Turbofans

Airworthiness directive to mandate ultrasound inspections of engine type involved in uncontained failure aboard Southwest Airlines 737
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Southwest Airlines 1380 Engine Failure 4/17/2018 ATC Audio

Southwest Airlines 1380 Engine Failure 4/17/2018 ATC Audio
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NTSB: CJ4 Pilot Didn't Make Unicom Call before Collision

Two witnesses "heard the Cessna 150 pilot on Runway 15 Unicom frequency.”

Failed Southwest CFM56 Shows Signs of Metal Fatigue

Airline promises to quicken pace of inspections following fatal incident involving Boeing 737-700
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Engine Explosion Aboard Southwest Airlines 737 Kills Passenger

Flight from New York to Dallas diverted to Philadelphia

Sequence of Miscues Leads To G450 Nose Gear Collapse

The crew failed to remove landing gear safety pins before takeoff and then decided to remove them on a taxiway after returning to the departure airport.

No U.S. Bizjet Fatalities in 1Q18, ROW Up Sharply

Fatalities from crashes of U.S-registered business turboprops also surged to seven in the first quarter.

Microburst Causes Houston Hobby Hangar Collapse

The 30,000 sq ft structure at the Jet Aviation FBO was leased by charter provider Jet Linx.
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Torqued: Recent Incidents Raise Concerns about Safety

Incidents show that the NTSB needs to step in and regulate the behavior of crew and passengers to ensure safety.

Accidents: April 2018

Preliminary and final reports

Citation CJ4, Cessna 150 Collide at Non-towered Airport

The two people aboard the Cessna 150 were killed; no injuries were reported among the five on board the Cessna Citation CJ4.

Fuel Lever, Floats Factor Large in NYC Helo Crash

“The three floats installed on the left landing gear skid appeared to be more inflated than the floats on the right landing gear skid," the NTSB said.

UK S-92 Accident Investigators Recommend Real-time HUMS

The helicopter was recording information that the crew could not use, the AAIB finds.

UK Updates Aircraft Accident Investigation Regs

Regulations spell out requirements and obligations of accident investigators, operators involved in an accident or reportable incident, and witnesses.

UK Report: Loss of Control Is Main GA Accident Cause

The AAIB received 708 occurrence notifications in 2017 and deployed 38 times to conduct field investigations, 16 of which were fatal accidents.

Saratov Airlines Forced To Ground An-148s

Russian aviation authority Rostransnadzor cites safety concerns stemming from investigation into the airline's February 11 crash.
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Q400 Crash in Nepal Claims at Least 50

US Bangla Airways turboprop crash lands at Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan International Airport

Accidents: March 2018

Preliminary and final reports

IHST: Helicopter Safety Sees Global Improvement

Rotorcraft accidents were down six percent worldwide between 2016 and 2017.
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