AIN Year-end Report 2024
A letter from AIN founder and chair emeritus
© Ian Whelan/AIN

As we go to press, conditions in the U.S. suggest that we have a so-called Goldilocks economy. All major indicators are just right—not too strong and not too weak—and you could say the same about the business aviation field.

Of course, things could change on a dime, especially given the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. While the impact of the new administration in Washington needs to play out, Trump's long association with business aviation is a given and likely bodes well for our industry.

The business aviation market settled down this year, following unsustainable increases during and right after the pandemic. The boost in activity, particularly among first-time charter users, was unsustainable. Still, the net effect was positive in that the pandemic brought people into our industry who had not previously used business aviation.

A lingering negative of this surge is that entrepreneurs entered business aviation thinking they were smarter than those running the companies already entrenched. The newcomers learned quickly—the hard way—that this is a tough field in which to make money. The adage is true: a good way to wind up with a million dollars is to invest $10 million in business aviation.

© AIN Media Group

The Year at AIN Media Group

It has been two years since our company celebrated its 50th anniversary. That’s when we announced that AIN Media Group would continue to be owned by the Leach family but with a non-family member overseeing day-to-day operations.

I am pleased to report that Ruben Kempeneer, now finishing his second year as AIN’s president, has done an outstanding job of taking over those operations. Dave Leach is our board chair, and Jennifer Leach English is managing personnel and Business Jet Traveler while helping to lead the company.

Businesses, and particularly small ones, need to be nimble and adjust to changing times. Marketing can’t operate with an on/off switch. It is a dynamic and fluid part of the business world, an intangible that is often difficult to measure.

AIN Media Group understands this and has responded to today’s marketing needs with a variety of developments and engagements.

I am so proud that we have adapted to the digital world with offerings such as our daily AINalerts newsletter, which remains one of the most valuable products in the business aviation community. It continues to enjoy an open rate of more than 20 percent, which, to my knowledge, is unmatched by any other newsletter in any field.

Meanwhile, we’re continuing to deliver our industry’s best-read print products—the monthly AIN and the annual Business Jet Traveler Buyers’ Guide, as well as our show dailies. All these award-winning publications are also available digitally, but it’s important to note that we remain committed to print. Independent research confirms that it’s virtually impossible to successfully brand a product without it.

AIN’s Corporate Aviation Leadership Summit.

Notable Events

This past October, Ed Bolen and his team produced an NBAA event that was as good as any in recent memory, and my congratulations go to all involved.

I am constantly asked my opinion about the future of domestic and international aviation shows. My answer: because marketing will always be essential, so will these events. Like everyone in charge of running business enterprises, the organizers of trade shows around the world will need to make adjustments. Those who do not will lose market share and potentially fail. Those who create new forums and means of engaging buyers with sellers will win.

Speaking of engaging buyers with sellers, part of our growth here at AIN has involved the introduction of two-day events called Corporate Aviation Leadership Summits (CALS). These under-the-radar, invitation-only gatherings put identified buyers and sellers face-to-face in a focused, intimate, and confidential setting. These so-called “hosted buyer” events feature concise, engaging, and effective programs that are producing results for our clients. Keep an eye out for future CALS events in Europe and beyond.

Another exciting AIN event offering for 2025 is our first annual FBO Awards Dinner and Gala, to be held March 27 in New Orleans. At this event, we will unveil our rankings of the FBOs worldwide that scored highest in our exclusive annual survey of pilots, flight schedulers, and dispatchers.

Sustainable Growth

AIN Media Group is poised for sustainable growth into the foreseeable future. We are a focused, evolving, up-to-date media company that is staying ahead of the power curve—and enjoying every minute of it. We love the industry, we love the people, and we thank you all for your continued vote of confidence. It keeps us going every single day.



Wilson S. Leach

Founder & Chair Emeritus

Ruben Kempeneer, president, AIN Media Group.

Answers to Some Pressing Industry Questions

Here are a few of the queries I’ve been hearing lately from folks in the business aviation field, along with the consensus answers from industry experts:

Are labor costs stabilizing?

They certainly appear to be, but they’re not headed in the direction OEMs would like.

Are those new to private lift since 2020 staying? 

Some frequent travelers are, but not the “family weekend in Aspen” bunch.

Will OEM order backlogs remain at current levels?

No, and we don’t want them to. Who wants to wait more than two years for a new jet?

Have used aircraft inventories leveled out?

Perhaps. For-sale inventories now represent 6% to 9% of fleets, depending on the category. That seems right versus 14% pre-Covid and 2% during the pandemic, but who knows?

Is the pilot shortage over?

It has moderated, but owners need to accept that the working world has changed.

Has the supply chain been fixed? 

No, but parts of it are improving.

Amid all these changes, one constant is that AIN continues to invest in its products to deliver award-winning independent journalism while serving as a trusted marketing partner. We remain committed to offering unparalleled return on investment with ways to reach your customers in print, online, and in person.

Ruben Kempeneer

President, AIN Media Group