Jet Aviation Marks 20 Years of Supporting RAAF King Airs
Jet Aviation began supporting the Royal Australian Air Force's Beechcraft King Air 350s in 2002.
Jet Aviation Australia in East Sale supports 11 of the Beechcraft King Air 350s operated by the Royal Australian Air Force's Number 32 Squadron. (Photo: Jet Aviation)

Jet Aviation this month is marking 20 years of supporting the Royal Australian Air Force’s Beechcraft King Air 350. Since 2002, Jet Aviation has supported the turboprop twin from its facility in East Sale, Australia.

Initially, the General Dynamics company was contracted for the lease and full turnkey support of the modified King Air 350s for 10 years. In 2012, that contract was extended another 10 years and was expanded to include support for more than 110,000 flying hours, airborne training, light transport, and army support roles. Jet Aviation East Sale supports 11 of the type operated by the Number 32 Squadron.

“The King Air 350 Program is an exemplar in demonstrating the unique opportunities that can be available through the development of commercial aircraft and support systems to support defense outcomes,” said Jet Aviation Defence APAC v-p Craig Purry. “From the very beginning, the capability has proven to be safe, reliable, flexible, and effective for the Australian Defense Force. I am particularly proud of our employees, those who were with us at the beginning as Hawker Pacific, and those who continue with us today as Jet Aviation. All have contributed to the capability over the past 20 years.”

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