Don’t Rest, Send Comments on Rest Rules
Comments are due July 10 on an FAA request for comments on Part 135 duty, flight and rest time rules.

Comments are due July 10 on an FAA request for comments on Part 135 duty, flight and rest time rules. The agency has received several requests for an interpretation of FAR 135.263(d) and 135.267(b), (d) and (e). Before issuing its interpretation, the FAA wants to receive public comments on the requestors’ questions, namely whether late-arriving passengers can be considered an “unforeseen circumstance or circumstance beyond the certificate holder’s or crewmembers’ control” and whether the rest period under FAR 135.267(d) must be received in a timely manner. Based on comments received, the FAA will decide whether to restate prior interpretations or issue new ones. The agency also plans to reconsider interpretations related to the 14-hour duty day.