Gordon Gilbert
Contributor - Accidents and Regulations

Contributor - Accidents and Regulations

Latest from Gordon Gilbert


Business Jet Accident Fatalities Drop Nearly 35% in 2024

Non-U.S. turboprop accidents stayed unchanged but fatalities increased
Training and Workforce

FAA Exploring Update to Flight School Regulations

Agency to hold a public meeting in March on Part 141
Regulations and Government

Revamped U.S. Notam Format Delayed At Least One Year

Agency gave no reason for the delay in aligning format with ICAO standards
Regulations and Government

DOT IG: FAA Oversight of Boeing Issues ‘Not Effective’

Agency's weaknesses exposed in report on how it handled Boeing 737/787 production issues
Regulations and Government

EU Delays New Passenger Screening System Indefinitely

EES was to have rolled out on November 10

Fueling Mix-up Caught at Canadian Airport Before Takeoff

A piston-twin and a turboprop twin caused confusion at Dryden Regional Airport
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

CBAA Not Deterred by Recent Ruling on Luxury Tax

The group continues its opposition to the classification on aircraft

Year-to-date Bizav Accidents Decline

Fatal accidents were down year over year from 12 to 10
Regulations and Government

Universal's Mexico Bizav Ops Guide Details Changes

While Mexican cabotage rules were eased, entry permits became more complicated

NTSB: Poor Pilot Training, Monitoring Led to Fatal C90 Accident

Pilot also violated company's sterile cockpit rules

FAA Adopts AD on Tamarack Winglet Components

Directive mandates compliance with an April 2023 service bulletin
Regulations and Government

Electronic Travel Authorization Now Required for UK

New requirements go into effect on April 2, 2025

AOPA Asks FAA to Block ADS-B Tracking for Fees

AOPA supports third-party use of ADS-B data only for optimizing ATC safety and efficiency
Regulations and Government

FAA Advisory Circular Addresses Unwanted Reverse Thrust

The FAA's recent amendments to Part 25 airworthiness regulations require system safety assessments for key systems
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NTSB Safety Alerts Emphasizes Proper Use of Aircraft Deicing Systems

Pilots told not to wait for ice accumulation before turning on deicing systems
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No Solid Clues Why Citation Didn’t Climb before Crash

Witness said the engines didn't sound normal on takeoff

Flap Setting May Have Been Missed in Runway Excursion

Aircraft sustained damage but the two pilots onboard were not injured in mishap at Colorado airport
Regulations and Government

FAA Updates Cert Requirements for Safety Systems

New amendments to Part 25 standardize requirements that previously had been imposed through exemptions
FAA building

NTSB Starts Probe of Citation II Fatal Accident in Texas

Witnesses said twinjet had trouble climbing before it hit a power line and crashed
Regulations and Government

Hong Kong Introducing Advance Passenger Info System

New rules apply to operators of international flights to/from Hong Kong
Regulations and Government

Advisory Circular Issued on New SMS Rules

Document provides SMS guidance for Part 91, 135, and 121 operators
Regulations and Government

FAA Drafts Order To Update ODA Oversight

Comments on the draft are due October 21
FAA's headquarters building in Washington, D.C.

Global Bizjet Accident Fatalities Fall in 1H2024

Deaths from turboprop crashes also declined
Challenger 604 accident path
Regulations and Government

FAA Removes Check Pilot Medical Requirement

Rule also eliminates FAA regulatory inconsistencies

Aussie ADS-B Rebate Scheme To Enter New Phase

Next round of funding will help cover cost of ADS-B In/Out equipment in Australia-registered aircraft

Report Urges Action to Reduce Contrail Warming Effects

More study is needed to fully understand control formation and mitigation
IATA contrail formation

NTSB: TBM 700 Crashed while Maneuvering for Landing

The preliminary accident report shows a series of autopilot engagements and disengagements
NTSB track of accident flight
Regulations and Government

Transonic Exits Parts Distribution Accreditation Program

The company's records and procedures were not in FAA compliance

Levaero: Canada Aircraft Market Showing “Price Stabilization”

The Canadian aircraft broker's report shows slight increase in inventory last year
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Canada Keeps Aircraft under Luxury Tax Umbrella

Tax is estimated to have caused the loss of 3,800 jobs and $1.1 billion in revenues