Gulfstream last month proved the old axiom: “Double your pleasure, double your fun; get two certificates instead of one.” In what is believed to be a first in the company’s more than 40-year history, Gulfstream received both a type certificate and a production certificate on the same day for the same airplane.
The G550 (formerly GV-SP) received its FAA type certificate on the morning of August 14, followed later that same day by its production certificate. These final FAA approvals come eight months after provisional certification of the ultra-long-range business jet was received on December 11. All operational limitations that were in effect at the time provisional certification was received have since been addressed, a Gulfstream spokesman said.
The G550, announced in 1999, is a derivative of the GV featuring the company’s PlaneView cockpit with cursor control devices and Honeywell Primus Epic avionics (see page 89). Other standard avionics include an enhanced vision system. Primus Epic software integration issues have delayed certification of the Embraer 170 and Dassault Falcon 900EX with the EASy cockpit. A Gulfstream spokesman said the manufacturer recognized the potential effect of those problems long ago and was able to rectify them with avionics maker Honeywell. First customer deliveries of completed aircraft are scheduled to start next month.