Transport Canada Grants A220 ETOPS Approval
The former C Series becomes the first commercial aircraft to receive ETOPS approval from Canadian authorities.
Delta Air Lines plans to place into service its first Airbus A220-100 on January 31. (Photo: Airbus)

The Airbus A220 has received 180-minute extended operations (ETOPS) approval from Transport Canada, allowing operators to start new direct non-limiting routings over water, remote, or underserved regions. With the certification, the A220 becomes the first commercial airline to obtain domestic ETOPS certification from Transport Canada. The capability comes as an option for A220-100 and A220-300 operators, allowing them to fly for up to 180 minutes from the nearest diversion airport.

“Being the only in-production aircraft in its class capable of performing both steep approach and long-range operations, the A220 is definitely unlocking new route opportunities for airlines,” said Rob Dewar, head of engineering and customer support for the A220 program.

No current A220 customer has detailed plans to fly over the Atlantic Ocean, but the airplane’s range would allow for such an operation. ETOPS approval would also allow for more direct flights in remote areas where a lack of diversion airports might otherwise limit its operation.