John A. Pope

Latest from John A. Pope

Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: August 2008

• Congress took an eight-day break to celebrate the Fourth of July.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: July 2003

Tax-cut legislation proposed by President Bush was passed by Congress at the end of May and was subsequently signed into law by the President.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: March 2002

Congress took most of the month of January off, and when it returned to the business of the nation, the Enron bankruptcy captured its attention.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: July 2008

Congress resumed business early last month after an 11-day hiatus and took note of the to-do list President Bush outlined in his weekly radio address.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: June 2008

A resolute President Bush may go down swinging as he finishes his term in office.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: January 2002

As the first session of the 107th Congress wound down, the wonderful days of bipartisan behavior that followed September 11 gave way to partisan bickering
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: December 2001

What with anthrax scares shutting down congressional office buildings for purification and cleansing, and both houses tossing brickbats at each other over
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: August 2001

As Washington pundits predicted, the change from a Republican to a Democrat majority in the Senate and the shift in leadership from Sen.
Regulations and Government

Commentary: Duty and flight time limitations

Now, after being somewhat dormant on the subject for a number of years, the Federal Aviation Administration has expressed concern about airline pilot duty
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: May 2002

Congress took its own spring break, leaving March 21 to 23 and returning the second week of last month.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: October 2001

When Congress returned from its August recess, both houses set about to debate what to do about the declining budget surplus and what to do about spending.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: April 2002

After a 10-day recess in mid-February, Congress returned to tackle a few of the pending major issues that have been subjected to heavy bipartisan views.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: December 2002

Observing the 107th Congress could sometimes be likened to watching a three-ring circus.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: September 2001

Early last month President Bush departed for a month-long hiatus in Texas and just about the same time Congress opted to take its August recess.

Flying in manual mode

Because corporate flight crews operate sophisticated aircraft in an ever-changing environment, a periodic review of the aviation department operations manu
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: November 2002

On November 5, U.S.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: October 2002

Lawmakers escaped the dog days of August in Washington by taking a vacation and returned the first week of September to face a multitude of concerns, thoug
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: August 2002

In the midst of all the major funding and other legislation, a number of aviation matters were addressed:

• On June 4 President Bush amended Exe

Commitment to corporate safety begins with a plan

If the CEO of a corporation should suddenly ask the aviation department manager, “What are we doing to ensure the highest level of safety in our flying ope
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: September 2002

When Congress perceives public or political demands to do something, the House and Senate can act with uncharacteristic speed.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: May 2008

• Congress recessed for a couple of weeks at Easter time.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: July 2002

The Bush Administration has proposed spending $759 billion next year for government agencies and programs other than Social Security, but more than half ha
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: April 2008

• As Washington pundits predicted, the $3.1 trillion budget President Bush proposed for the federal fiscal year beginning Oct.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: November 2003

Reviewing the latest from Capitol Hill
Regulations and Government

Washington Report: March 2008

• Following the recess for the year-end holiday season, the 110th Congress apparently was in no rush to resume work on leftover legislation and to prepare
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: February 2008

• The House of Representatives of the 110th Congress adjourned in mid-December.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: May 2003

Cutting President Bush’s proposals to reduce taxes by some $726 billion; concern over ever increasing deficits that are now approaching a record $400 billi
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: April 2003

There was good news and bad news concerning appropriations for those 11 of 13 government agencies that have been impatiently waiting and enduring the agony
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: February 2003

The 108th Congress opened for business the first week in January with a few changes of note.
Regulations and Government

Congressional Observer: January 2003

As a result of the Congressional elections in November, the 108th Congress, due to convene early this month, will enjoy a Republican majority in both the S