Content Archive: August 2015

Lockheed Martin Secures JAGM Development Contract

Dual-mode guidance will improve the capability of Hellfire missiles launched from helicopters and UAVs.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Indian Company Reveals UAV Partnership with AeroVironment

A development from the Raven, with some features of the Puma, will be produced in Bangalore by Dynamatic.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

UAS Authorizations Top 1,000 Mark

The FAA in recent months began expediting approval process.

Signature Profits Soar as Expansion Continues

Investments are expected to continue at Signature Flight Support in the second half with improved cash flow.

Ultra-rapid Air Vehicle Patent Highlights Airbus R&D Efforts

The patent shows interesting features of an Airbus design for an ultra-rapid air vehicle that could carry 20 passengers at up to Mach 4.5.

Update on 3rd-class Medical Disappoints AirVenture Pilots

The Meet the Administrator forum at EAA AirVenture 2015 offered no relief for pilots seeking to fly without a third-class medical certificate.

Malaysian PM Confirms 777 Flaperon Came From MH370

Debris found on French island of Reunion appears to have drifted thousands of miles west

Argus: July Activity Reaches Highest Level in 3 Years

Fractional turboprop flights lead rebound in July with 25.8 percent jump.
Finance, Taxes, Insurance

Russian Arms Exporters Hit By Payment Sanctions

Western banks are withholding billions of dollars due to Russian companies; report names India, China and Iraq as biggest customers.

Avionics Market Shows 3.1-percent Climb Over Q1

The AEA Avionics Market Report showed that sales climbed in the second quarter, but faced a year-over-year drop compared to the first half of 2014.