Content Archive: April 2012

JetBlue Captain Pleads Insanity

JetBlue Captain Pleads Insanity

Cockpit Cellphone Use Prompted Go-Around

Jetstar Go-Around Explained

FAA Wants Comments on Pilot Certification Rule

FAA wants Comments on Pilot Certification
Regulations and Government

U.S. Ambassador to ICAO Skeptical Council Can Reach ETS Consensus

The U.S. Ambassador to ICAO questions whether it will move on emissions market-based measures.
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Regulations and Government

Bill Filed to Include Cargo Operations in FAA’s Duty Rule

The campaign to include cargo pilots under the FAA's new pilot duty rule gained support in Congress.
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Euro Debt Crisis Limits Airline Finance Options

Access to European bank debt has dried up for airlines.
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Europe’s Regions Threatened by Loss of Hub Connections

ERA spring conference highlighted threats to European regional service.
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