Content Archive: September 2006

Italian manufacturer consolidates

Having assumed total responsibility for the AB139, how do you plan to deal with the growing backlog of orders? First of all, to mark

This Bird Goes By Sea

Getting a giant helicopter like the Sikorsky S-61 from one continent to another offers a special challenge.

Heli-Expo a salethaon for Bell

Bell Helicopter’s sales machine ran at full throttle here at Heli-Expo.

HAI urges immediate action from Congress on Gulf safety

There are more than 35,000 people living and working offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, supported by nearly 650 helicopters flying as many as 9,000 flights ea

Tilton’s plans for MDHI start with a factory deal in Mexico

Since Lynn Tilton bought MD Helicopters last summer and installed herself as CEO, she has spoken about being on a mission.

HAI honors Katrina responders

In an unusual tribute for an unprecedented rescue mission, HAI has chosen to bestow the 2005 Igor I.

Keystone Names Sikorsky Vet CFO

Keystone Helicopter Corp.

How’s your oil? Jet-Care knows

The U.S.

FlightSafety’s latest simulator comes to you

FlightSafety International is demonstrating its new mobile graphical flight simulator LNV, a full-flight device that is software-configurable to any helico

HAI noise training CD makes debut

HAI’s Manufacturers Committee, assisted by the HAI Acoustics and Fly Neighborly Committee, is introducing a new noise-abatement training CD here at Heli Ex