Paris Air Show 2011

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Paris 2011: Antonov Charts Its Own Course as It Plots Production Growth

Ukraine’s Antonov has come a long way since it was last here at the Paris Air Show, but it still has a long way to go.

Paris 2011: Airliner Size Will Continue To Grow, Says Boeing’s Current Market Outlook

New Boeing analysis of future passenger- and cargo-capacity requirements confirms the trend toward ever-bigger jetliners, although its perception of globa

Paris 2011: Etihad Opts to Upgrade Its A330 Engines

Rolls-Royce has signed a $360 million long-term TotalCare agreement to provide engine support services and enhanced performance kits for the Trent 700 eng

Paris 2011: Safran and Comac Form Joint Venture for C919 Wiring

Safran’s Labinal and Comac have established a Shanghai-based joint venture known as Shanghai Saifei Aviation Ewis Manufacturing, with Comac taking a 51-pe

Paris 2011: Northrop Grumman Demonstrates Guardian Pod on KC-135

Northrop Grumman, named to supply its large-aircraft, infrared-countermeasures (LAIRCM) system on the U.S.

Paris 2011: NextGen, Sesar, Emissions Trading, Globalization and Business Ethics on Agenda for Aviation Industry Associations

Ethics in the global aerospace industry is one of many topics that CEOs from the U.S.

Paris 2011: Private Captial Fund Raises $1.5 Billion To Help Kick-start NextGen ATM in U.S.

A public-private financing construct designed to assist airlines in equipping their fleets for next-generation air traffic operations is nearing realizati

Paris 2011: EADS Reveals the Futurist Mach-4 Zehst and Electrically Powered Voltair

EADS has unveiled two new futuristic “Flightpath 2050” aircraft.

Paris 2011: Concept Airliner Highlights Founding of German Biofuel Association

Bauhaus Luftfahrt created a model of a concept airliner to highlight ecofriendly aircraft of the future, as well as the recent establishment of the Aviat