MEBAA Convention News 2010

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MEBAA welcomes MEBA show growth

The fourth Middle East Business Aviation (MEBA) show is off to a strong start, with exhibitor numbers climbing more than 40 percent from 2008 and registere
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Bombardier opens aircraft maintenance support office in Dubai

Bombardier Aerospace has announced the opening of a new regional support office (RSO) in Dubai for its Global, Challenger and Learjet families of business

Middle East charter companies adding business aircraft

The Middle East's business aircraft fleet is getting back into growth mode.
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Charter & Fractional

Rizon To Manage Airbus Corporate Jetliner

Rizon Jet will manage and operate a new Airbus Corporate Jetliner for an undisclosed Aranian Gulf customer.

Paris court rules Continental Airlines 'criminally responsible' for 2000 crash of Air France Concorde

A Paris court ruled yesterday that Continental Airlines was "criminally responsible" for the crash of the Air France Concorde in July 2000, which killed 11

You’ve Got to Watch This Video

We’re here in Dubai where we received a press release from Pratt & Whitney Canada announcing the launch of PT6Na

MEBA Show: Built by Hand

This is my first trip to Dubai, so a blog post from me on the Middle East Business Aviation (MEBA) show is appropriate.
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