Farnborough Air Show 2014

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Airbus Offers Enhanced A330 Tanker/transport

Soon several countries will be operating the Airbus A330-based MRTT tanker aircraft, with more orders expected from around the world.
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787 Production Stable As Boeing Prepares For Changes

Boeing’s 787 production processes continue to evolve as the company plans to increase rates to 14 per month by the end of the decade.

Airbus Gears Up To Deliver RAF’s First A400M

The fleet of Airbus A400M tactical transports is starting to grow as the Royal Air Force prepares to take delivery of the first of its 22 in September.
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Ongoing Projects Allow Early Lessons for UAV Ops

MIDCAS and ASTRAEA continue to allow development for collision avoidance and operations in controlled airspace.

Boeing Sees Continued Strength in 777 Program

BCA sales boss John Wojick expressed confidence that Boeing would soon collect significant 777 orders.
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