Farnborough Air Show 2006

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Nations ready to deny U.S. of navsat dominance

While it may be hard to believe that the global positioning system (GPS) is already more than a quarter century old, it may be equally difficult to imagine

Messier-Bugatti Leads ‘More Electric Aircraft’ Project

Landing gear maker Messier-Bugatti hosted the launch meeting for the distributed and redundant electrical nose gear steering system (DRESS) project on June

Red tape makes Single European Sky look more like pie in the sky

In the last few years, the development of air traffic management in Europe has been based on the idea of creating a seamless upper airspace zone called the

Systems advances key to China’s arms aspirations

Newer and more capable systems are the key to the future of Chinese weaponry, and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is also looking to developments in ele

Rejuvenated Parker Aero enters show a roll

Parker Aerospace (Hall 4 Stand A16) returns to Farnborough International this year rejuvenated by a string of recent contract signings and the opening of a

TAG opens new Farnborough digs

Farnborough Airport sealed its standing as a primary European hub for business aviation in May when TAG Aviation opened its new terminal building.

BA plays villain in Concorde sequel

If Concorde were the child of quarrelsome adults, the tabloids might label this a “tug of love,” but by whatever name it goes, British Airways seems to end

HS merger reaping more tangible rewards

The merger in 1999 of air management and engine control specialist Sundstrand and power systems provider Hamilton Standard has proved to be a prescient mov