Dubai Airshow 2007

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UAE nears decision for jet trainer

Each of the original three contenders to supply the UAE Air Force with an advanced jet trainer (AJT) offered unique selling points that could have tipped t

Eurofighter flies first Tranche 2 Typhoon

The Eurofighter consortium achieved a major milestone on the first of the month with the first flight of a Typhoon with Tranche 2 avionics.

Sikorsky lands $2 billion order for 40 helicopters

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Interior has ordered 40 Sikorsky helicopters in a deal valued at approximately $2 billion, the U.S.-based manufacturer announced

Airbus sells Corporate Jetliner to Hong Kong’s C Jet Limited

Airbus yesterday signed an order for an Airbus Corporate Jetliner (ACJ) from C Jet Limited, a Hong Kong company owned by a private individual.

Falcon 7X chosen for new VIP charter service in Saudi Arabia

This morning Saudi Arabian Airlines plans to sign an agreement with Dassault Falcon for seven Falcon 7X long-range business jets–four firm and three option

Virgin Nigeria buys bevy of Embraer regional jets

Virgin Nigeria has signed for up to 24 Embraer E-Jets worth $811 million at current list prices and is trying to persuade the manufacturer to establish a r

Qatar pads order book with Boeing freighters

Gulf carrier Qatar Airways yesterday signed an order for five Boeing 777F cargo aircraft and took options on a further five.

Lighter-than-air craft gaining favor in Mideast

Using gas for lift is hardly new, but interest in the idea is making something of a resurgence here in the Middle East.

Straight as Arrows

The UK Royal Air Force Red Arrows make a return appearance to the Dubai Air Show.
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DAE and GE Aviation sign MoU on global cooperation

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise CEO Bob Johnson kicked off what promises to be a hectic week for the show’s sponsor yesterday morning by inking a global coopera