Dubai Airshow 2005

All undefined news

On board cell phone systems await regulatory assessments

Widespread testing has proven that new technology allows for in-flight use of cell phones without disrupting terrestrial networks.

OnAir In-flight Cell Phone Tests To Begin

Middle East air passengers can soon look forward to using their personal cell phones in flight.

Cruise missiles in the Gulf: the Iranian-Chinese connection

A complex chain of illegal sales, technology proliferation and cooperation between countries the Bush Administration regards as rogue states has produced w

Iran looking to export UAVs

Iranian companies have accumulated considerable experience in the development and production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) since the country imported i

Iran struggles to field a fighter

Western powers increasingly characterize Iran as a potential cause for instability in the Middle East.

Toloo-4 turbojet engine enters production

In the quarter century since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran has established in-house capability for the development and production of cruise and ball