King Air 200 Series

Latest News

Cabin Interior and Electronics

SmartSky Lite Approved for King Air B200 through 360

Approval adds thousands of airplanes to the STC approval list
King Air SmartSky connectivity system installation

Textron Aviation Celebrates 60 Years of King Airs

First King Air 90 prototype flew on Jan. 24, 1964
Beechcraft King Air

Safety Talk: Flying Wisdom from King Air Pilot Ben Taber

Taber has logged more than 20,000 hours in 40 years of flying
Ben Taber, Beechcraft King Air pilot/mentor

Blackhawk Delivers Autoland-equipped King Air 200

The installation included a full G1000 NXi avionics suite
Blackhawk Aerospace Garmin Autoland installation
Maintenance and Modifications

Elliott Aviation Delivers King Air B200 Autoland Upgrade

System provides additional safety for crew and passengers
King Air B200 receiving Garmin Autoland upgrade in Elliott Aviation hangar

Textron Aviation Lands U.S. Army Turboprop Contract

Textron will provide various turboprop aircraft models to aid Foreign Military Sales
Beechcraft King Air 260 (Photo: Textron)

Outerlink Selected for U.S. Navy’s King Airs

The system records and analyses a wealth of aircraft data and communications
Training and Workforce

TRU Sells King Air Sims to Canadian Firm

Deal includes full-flight sim and a training device
TRU, EIC and Keewatin Air principals celebrate a King Air sim sale

Garmin Adding King Air Autoland, New Autothrottle

The next Autoland system from Garmin will be for the King Air 200 series, followed by the King Air 300.
Garmin Autoland King Air 200