RTAG To Host Industry Recruiting Event
RTAG will host a recruitment convention for military service members, veterans, and civilians interested in pursuing careers in aviation.
The annual RTAG National Convention will be held this year from October 21-23 at the Fort Worth Convention Center. The organization expects to host more than 100 industry exhibitors and hiring representatives. (Photo: Screenshot RTAG Nation Youtube)

RTAG, a charity dedicated to helping veterans jumpstart their aviation careers, will host its annual convention from October 21-23 at the Fort Worth Convention Center for military service members, veterans, and civilians interested in pursuing careers in aviation. The convention will be the last major aviation hiring event for 2022, according to the organization, and will host civilian recruiters, military representatives, vendors, flight schools, and hiring representatives from several airlines and charter operations. 

Organizers and the "all-volunteer staff of the event expect to welcome well over 4000 pilot and maintenance candidates and are hosting over 100 sponsors who are ready to hire them," Erik Sabiston, co-founder and president of RTAG told AIN.

RTAG (formerly known as the Rotary to Airline Group) is a veteran-run, non-profit charity that was established by prior Rotary Wing Aviators Sabiston, Joshua Lee, Tim Kirschbaum, and Jim McClung. Beginning in 2017 as a campaign to address the national pilot shortage, the organization has since evolved to place veterans in the airline industry, regardless of their experience, and has assisted thousands of service members in the transition.

“Veterans have been fighting these wars for 20 years. They should not have to come home and fight for a job...We have programs that will pay for all of a veteran's flight training up to ATP and can help businesses with free internships, tax credits, and pathway programs full of the most diverse aviation job applicants in the U.S. But it’s not just about service members. We want civilians to join us too. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free for current and former military, and civilians can make a small donation to our scholarship fund at the gate," said Sabiston.

Attendees and vendors wishing to attend the convention can find additional information and pre-register for the convention at the RTAG website.