Bell, Dart Get Canadian Nod for 505 Emergency Floats
Transport Canada has granted STC approval to Bell and DART Aerospace for their Bell 505 Emergency Float System.
Demonstrating its multi-chamber design and high-visibility color, the Dart Aerospace emergency float system for the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X is pictured above. Bell and Dart have obtained a Canadian STC, and expect FAA approval in mid-2018.

After announcing a partnership at Heli-Expo last year, Bell and Dart Aerospace set a goal to develop an emergency float system (EFS) for the Bell 505 in first-quarter 2018. After a rigorous certification program, the joint team announced Tuesday at Heli-Expo 2018 that its goal has been met after receiving STC approval from Transport Canada. FAA certification of the EFS is expected by mid-2018.

“There was great teamwork between both companies to get this kit delivered in a timely fashion, allowing Bell to meet its customer commitments,” said LaShan Bonaparte, Bell's 505 Jet Ranger X program manager.

The float design incorporates Dart’s tri-bag float technology, allowing for increased stability during water landings without impeding egress during emergencies. Lightweight and reliable, the EFS is the first and only available system of its kind on the market.

“The execution by both project teams was outstanding and Dart is proud to deliver the first 505 EFS kits to Bell in less than one year from the announcement of the Bell-Dart partnership for this product,” said Dart Aerospace vice president of certification David Shepherd.