Cobham Satcom displayed its newly developed the Aviator 300D and 350D at Singapore Airshow. The Aviator 300D and 350D are next-gen systems powered by SwiftBroadband-safety (SB-S). Recently, Hawaiian Airlines has chosen to install the 350D system on its new Airbus A321neo fleet while the 300D has already been installed on United and Hawaiian Airlines’ Boeing 767s and Shenzhen Airlines’ Airbus A320.
Both systems combine Inmarsat’s SB-S flight deck communications platform with the company’s Aviator S series. They offer IP connectivity for the cockpit and enhanced communication between airlines, operators, pilots, crew, and air traffic management. The Aviator 300D system includes Cobham’s IGA-5001 intermediate gain antenna. It offers fast connectivity on the Inmarsat satellite network. Meanwhile the 350D system connects to Cobham’s HGA-7001 high gain antennas, which offer additional bandwidth.
Andrew Legg, regional sales director at APAC, Cobham Satcom, said, “With the first FANS-1/A deadline already in enforcement for routes along the NAT High Level, and further enforcements coming into play at the start of 2020 on FL290 and above, there’s a compelling advantage to upgrading communications equipment on board your aircraft today. As the only SB-S approved system currently flying, Cobham, with its Aviator 300D and 350D systems, can help you to meet the requirements of FANS-1/A and avoid the hassle of installation backlogs, supply and demand cost increases and the inability to fly key routes. Additionally, you can reap benefits of a better connected and more profitable airline, today.”
Cobham’s range of SB-S Aviator systems features communications services, connectivity for the cockpit, continual positional awareness for flight tracking, flight data streaming, weather, and more. The company recently launched the certified application provider program, which certifies third-party commercial applications to use its SB-S platform. The platform is available to established application providers and developers.