Trig Adds GTN 650/750 to TT31 ADS-B Approval
When integrated with the GTN navigator, the TT31 with the latest software update provides a simple way to meet the 2020 ADS-B OUT mandate.

Trig Avionics has added all Garmin GTN navigators to the ADS-B STC program for its TT31 transponder, allowing aircraft owners to integrate the TT31 with the GTN 650 and 750. The TT31 installs in a BendixKing KT76A or KT78A transponder tray, with no wiring changes and using the existing antenna, making for a simple installation. When integrated with the GTN navigator, the TT31 with the latest software update provides a simple way to meet the 2020 ADS-B OUT mandate.

The STC for the TT31 and GTN ADS-B solution was developed in partnership with Denver-based Peregrine, which has also developed STCs for other Trig transponders integrated with various GPS receivers such as the Trig TN70 and FreeFlight 1201. “In test flights the TT31 and GTN produced exceptionally solid ADS-B data,” said Peregrine CEO Dave Rankin. “FAA flight reports showed very reliable and consistent performance giving full compliance with ground stations and other aircraft at all times.”

The TT31 list price is $2,925 and like all Trig transponders operates on the worldwide 1090 MHz ADS-B frequency.