Small DGEN 380 engine completes first test phase
French-based startup company Price Induction, here on Stand A7 in Hall 3, on the eve of the show announced that its small engine, the DGEN 380, has complet

French-based startup company Price Induction, here on Stand A7 in Hall 3, on the eve of the show announced that its small engine, the DGEN 380, has completed its first test phase and reached the target maximum thrust. The 560-pound-thrust turbofan has run some 50 hours on its indoor test bed in Tarnos, in the southwest of the country. Its designers have started it 1,200 times in seven months. Fuel, oil and cooling systems have been developed, and accessories such as pumps have been tested, too. Designers also worked on the full authority digital engine control (FADEC), notably its power management software. According to Price Induction, the all-electric concept has been validated–especially the ignition system. Dubbed Argi-Nite, it has been supplied by Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter.

The DGEN 380 is designed for application on personal light jets. The company describes this category as being under the very light jet one, with speeds between 230 and 250 knots. The next test phase is to start late this year.