Paris 2011: Elop To Play MUSIC in Italy
As the culmination of a jointly funded cooperation program between Italian electronics house Elettronica and the Elop business of Elbit Systems, the Isra

As the culmination of a jointly funded cooperation program between Italian electronics house Elettronica and the Elop business of Elbit Systems, the Israeli company yesterday announced a $15 million contract to supply directional infrared countermeasures (DIRCM) systems for installation on Italian aerial platforms, including the Lockheed Martin C-130J and Alenia C-27J transports, and AgustaWestland AW101 helicopters.

Designated ELT/572, the countermeasures system is based on Elbit’s Music (multi-spectral infrared countermeasures) DIRCM, employing advanced fiber laser technology to counter missile attack, especially the threat posed by Manpads (man-portable air defense systems). The system detects incoming missiles and fires a laser beam at them to lure the seeker away from the aircraft.

Here at Le Bourget, Elbit is highlighting the civil version of the system, known as C-Music. This has been specified for the airliners of Israel’s commercial carriers, and is being touted as a cost-effective solution to protect airliners and VIP aircraft.

The system is seen here integrated with Elbit PAWS (passive approach warning system) into a pod that can be carried under commercial aircraft.