Sikorsky Makes Progress with International S-70i
PZL-Mielec has flown the second Sikorsky S-70i

PZL-Mielec has flown the second Sikorsky S-70i “international” helicopter. It is the first to fly in Poland, where two more units are in final assembly. The Polish company previously shipped major subassemblies for the first S-70i to the U.S., where initial flight tests were completed at Sikorsky’s West Palm Beach, Fla. facility last month. The helicopter features various new systems, including a fully integrated digital cockpit; an active vibration-control system; digital transponder and dual radios; emergency locator transmitter and embedded dual GPS/INS navigation with digital map. Some of the systems replace items on the H-60 series that are not exportable from the U.S. Sikorsky has not identified the first customer for the S-70i, but says that deliveries are scheduled to begin by the middle of next year. Sikorsky acquired PZL Mielec in 2007, and has since upgraded the factory. It has been producing H-60 cabin subassemblies for Sikorsky’s U.S. production line.