The Eurofighter Typhoon partner companies will announce here today their decision to kick-start the development of an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar for the four-nation combat aircraft. The Indian air force competition for 126 AESA-equipped fighters is driving the move because the four European air forces that fly the Typhoon have no immediate requirement for an AESA. The partners have therefore agreed to “pre-fund” the development. Two British Typhoon versions of the jet are flying daily here at Farnborough. One aircraft from the Royal Air Force is flying “clean,” while the other from the development fleet (pictured above) is flying with a full “swing role” weapons load. All 13 hardpoints of this jet are occupied, as it carries four Paveway II laser-guided bombs, four advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAMs), two advanced short-range air-to-air missiles (ASRAAMS) and three fuel tanks.