Nearly 60 years ago, my father Joseph Carfagna Sr. was a pioneer in the new and innovative industry of business aviation when he was recruited by Bill Lear to sell his revolutionary jets in the U.S. Northeast. Many years and technological advancements later, business aviation has turned into a $150 billion industry accounting for more than 1.2 million jobs, according to data from NBAA.
In 1994, at the age of 25, I started as the next generation working alongside my father with the goal of continuing his legacy. After spending more than three decades in the aircraft brokerage business, I’m here to share some thoughts, insights, and advice that I hope will inspire both those who have been in this industry for a long time and our future generations.
Back in 1994, it felt as if I was rarely working with or dealing with contemporaries my age and it seemed like everyone in the industry was older than me. That may have been true at the time, but younger people have been entering this industry in greater numbers over the last 20 years or so.
There are demographic reasons for this that I will not bore you with, but the fact is there are young people now entering an industry that began in the 1960s and 1970s and then really hit its stride in the 1980s. This fact has now set the stage for industry groups that cater to the younger entrants, and I implore you to take advantage of them.
While many industries are highly regulated, aircraft brokerage is not. This is why groups such as the International Aircraft Dealers Association (IADA) are crucial to our future. IADA has emerged as a trusted leader, comprised of ethical and professional aircraft brokers and product and service members in the business.
With the growth of the IADA comes a sort of responsibility to pass this along to the next generation. This is why the IADA NextGen initiative was born. The goal of IADA NextGen is to inspire and uplift the careers of our young professionals.
NBAA also has a program for those under 40 called YoPros. This group includes all young professionals at any stage in their careers who are interested in learning more about the industry, networking, and professional development.
We are in a collaborative business where every role is vital to ensuring successful operations. I would not be where I am today without those who came before me. In 2025 and beyond, me and my team will be committed to empowering the next generation, and I am hopeful that my long-time industry associates will join me in doing the same. To my industry associates, I would offer the following advice:
To those in the next generation, embarking on a career in aircraft brokerage and private aviation can open doors to a world of opportunities. And while the industry may seem large and overwhelming, it is actually very close-knit. With dedication, hard work, and the right skill set, you can be successful. And remember, business aviation offers numerous career paths.
Further, participate in industry events, conferences, and networking sessions. In fact, NBAA allows students to attend its annual BACE tradeshow for free. These gatherings allow young professionals to connect with leaders and peers, fostering relationships that can lead to collaborations and career growth.
In addition, take advantage of continuous learning through workshops, seminars, and certifications. IADA offers NextGen scholarships to aid students and young professionals in attending these workshops. Keeping current with the latest trends and technologies ensures that young professionals remain competitive and knowledgeable in the field.
We are proud to say we have three fresh college grads joining us in 2025 at Leading Edge. Two, in fact, will have graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. We will also have two interns this summer on top of that. Whether you’re brokering deals or crafting marketing strategies and are just starting out or have worked for 40 years, your contributions will help shape the future generations of private aviation.
Personally, as the 25-year-old kid that no one would listen to in 1994 if it weren’t for his last name, I have lived through this. It is a different time now. Join NBAA’s YoPro and IADA’s NextGen if you qualify and leverage those organizations for all they have to offer.
I wish an organization that had this much relevance and impact was available when I was that age. Feel free to also reach out to me about this topic via email.
The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by AIN Media Group.