LABACE To Shift Venues from Congonhas to Campo de Marte
New venue to offer more exhibitor space and the possibility of a fly-in

LABACE 2024, which opened today, is being held at the São Paulo–Congonhas Airport (SBSP) for the last time, Flávio Pires—CEO of Brazil business aviation association and LABACE organizer ABAG—said yesterday in a pre-show media briefing. Next year, the annual Latin American business aviation show will make its debut at nearby Campo de Marte Airport (SBMT), which is about 2.5 miles northeast of the city center.

The underused area at Congonhas that has been ceded yearly for LABACE will no longer be available as airport operator Aena reconfigures the field to handle more airline traffic and bring it in line with safety requirements. This will mean adaption for business aviation at SBSP—for example, Lider might have to move its main helicopter maintenance hangar and its FBO to the other side of the airport—but Pires assured that Brazil aviation agency ANAC “has said that general aviation will continue at Congonhas.”

He sees great potential in the move to Campo de Marte, with the vast ramp area offering the possibility of a fly-in, which would be impossible at Congonhas due to traffic and space, and the possibility of demo flights. The venue also has sewer connections and the potential for an electrical substation; at Congonhas, LABACE has relied on pumps and generators.

Meanwhile, SBMT manager PAX has already announced plans for instrument approaches at the airport next year to prepare for more business aircraft traffic as airline operations take over more slots at Congonhas in January. Regarding Campo de Marte’s shorter runway, Pires said he confirmed with each of the business aircraft OEM exhibitors that the airport is suitable.

A reduction of business aviation at Congonhas means an increase at other São Paulo airports such as Jundiaí, Sorocaba, and Catarina, the last being the newest and fastest growing, as well as having the longest runway.