AviationManuals Integrates Safety Tool With GE's FOQA Data
Incident hazard report will be filled out automatically
Photo: Aviation Manuals

AviationManuals is integrating its safety hazard reporting tool with GEā€™s digital flight operations quality assurance (FOQA) data. The company is thus enabling business jet operators to more easily source GE Digitalā€™s FOQA data analytics after each flight operation. Further, it will automatically fill out an incident hazard report, regardless of scope.

The integration provides immediate safety insights covering all levels of FOQA incident and accident data. ā€œWe believe that safety is in the small stuff, and even minor deviances need to be addressed to mitigate risks,ā€ said AviationManuals CEO Mark Baier.

AviationManuals supports more than 4,500 operators worldwide and provides manual development services and SMS software for business aviation flight departments, aircraft management companies, and owner/operators. GEā€™s digital aviation software enables operators to enhance operator safety and efficiency, reducing operational disruptions and improving decisions regarding real-time fleet health.