Great Engines Deserve Great Support
For over 7 years, Engine Assurance Program (EAP) has combined its vast knowledge of jet engine maintenance with unparalleled service to deliver exceptional customer support, confidence, and value.

Solutions in Business Aviation 2023

View all of the solutions from this year's edition.

The recent post-COVID jet sales boom has resulted in scores of first-time buyers experiencing the value of business aviation. And it’s not just new aircraft that are in demand. Well-cared-for older jets have also been finding new homes with first-time owners.

While buyers use many factors to determine a preowned jet’s market price, one significant value-add is an airplane’s enrollment in an engine maintenance program. 

“Having their aircraft on an engine maintenance program shows that the owner takes maintenance seriously,” says Sean Lynch, founder and Managing Director for Engine Assurance Program (EAP). “That directly translates into that aircraft selling for a higher price when it goes to market.”

But not all engine maintenance program providers are created equal. Some treat you like a number. EAP treats its customers with the respect they deserve.

“EAP provides the same coverage options as the OEM programs, but we differentiate ourselves by providing highly personalized and immediate customer service,” Lynch says. “When our customers call, we know it’s important, so we answer the phone and get back to them with the answers they need.”

Engine coverage is like trip insurance.

Lynch stressed that EAP’s entire organization has been assembled with one goal: to ensure that its customers don’t miss a scheduled flight. 

“We have never had a customer go without a rental engine or APU when they need one,” he says. “In a time when there are over 100 aircraft grounded because of a lack of engines, that’s something to be proud of.”

Lynch says that EAP has gone to great lengths to keep that record intact. It has invested over $18 million to build a significant rental-engine and spare-parts inventory and established an exclusive partnership with a field-support team to aid customers in remote AOG situations when no local options are available.

“Customers are often surprised at the lengths we go to fix their problems,” he comments. “But from day one, we’ve committed ourselves to do whatever it takes to make sure our customers don’t miss a flight.”

See the list of engines we cover.

Visit or call +1 (214) 350-0877 for a quote.

The Solution

  • Extensive engine/APU coverage for most mature Honeywell, Pratt & Whitney, G.E. and Rolls-Royce engines
  • Only engine coverage provider to offer rental engines for MPIs on TFE engines; never had a customer miss a trip because a rental engine was unavailable when required
  • Strategic partnerships enable rapid response to clients, especially in AOG situations
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