GAMA Praises EC Release of Latest Drone, UAM Strategy
The EC's Drone Strategy 2.0 outlines a vision to foster development of drones and other air mobility vehicles and provides concrete steps to get there.
The European Commission sees innovative air mobility passenger-carrying vehicles as part of its overall drone strategy. (Image: Overair)

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association praised the European Commission’s (EC) publication of its Drone Strategy 2.0, saying it outlines several “flagship actions” that align with the industry’s goals for advanced air mobility.

Released yesterday, the EC’s Drone Strategy 2.0 for a Smart and Sustainable Unmanned Aircraft Eco-System in Europe provides “a clear vision for the development of the drone sector,” including the goals of having drones and other air mobility vehicles, along with the requisite ecosystem, become an accepted part of European life by 2030.

The EC sees myriad uses for drones from emergency services and aerial operations to surveillance and delivery of goods. It also sees other innovative air mobility passenger services, initially with a pilot on board but with a goal for full automation. In addition, the document lays out dozens of steps that can be taken to achieve those goals, including 17 concrete actions that the EC intends to take to foster the drone sector and deployment of piloted urban and regional air mobility operations.

GAMA noted that several of its members had participated in the EC’s Drone Leaders Group, which published a report that served as the basis for the development of the Drone Strategy 2.0.

“The latest strategy rightly highlights the important growing market for both cargo and passenger-carrying urban and regional air mobility operations as a key enabler for the sustainable mobility of citizens and goods in the European Union,” said Kyle Martin, GAMA v-p of European affairs. He noted that the actions cover a range of its goals, including airspace integration, risk-based and performance-based certification and operations, regulations, vertiport development, workforce, and skills development, as well as engagement with local authorities to support their implementation.