Quiet Technology Aerospace (QTA, Booth 4091) reports that it is nearing FAA supplemental type certificate (STC) approval for its replacement thrust reverser door and side beam assemblies for Honeywell HTF7000-series engines on Bombardier Challenger 300, Gulfstream G280, Embraer Legacy 450/500 and Praetors, and Cessna Longitude business jets. The cumulative fleet of those models in service is approximately 1,300 aircraft—and growing.
Stock assemblies are prone to corrosion that can become problematic between 300 and 1,500 hours time in service, Martin Gardner, QTA v-p of engineering and customer support, told AIN. High-velocity jet exhaust from the mixer nozzles blowing onto the stock parts can erode these surfaces and surface coatings, facilitating the corrosion.
Replacement parts for the reverser doors can run up to $270,000 each and replacement inlet barrels, also a focal point for corrosion, can cost up to $136,000 and are subject to repetitive inspections, according to Gardner. Using titanium and composites, QTA’s replacement parts for the reverser doors and inlet barrels run in the area of $69,000 and $96,000, respectively, and come with a lifetime transferable warranty. “Our motto is ‘one and done,’” he said. Replacing the reverser doors requires approximately 16 hours of labor.
QTA’s inlet barrel solutions cover the Challenger 300/350; Embraer Legacy 450/500 and Praetor 500/600; Falcon 2000LX/EX; Gulfstream G200, G280, and G450; Hawker 1000; and LearJet 60/60XR.
Since 1988, QTA has also developed 12 STCs for hush kits on large-transport-category, military, and business aircraft.