CDC, TSA Drop Transportation Mask Mandate
A court ruling has ended the transportation mask mandate for now.

The National Air Transportation Association advised that, for now, aviation businesses may rescind Covid mask policies. That comes as a federal judge in Florida struck down the transportation mask mandate yesterday. The ruling followed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) decision to extend the mandate until May 3.

While the White House and federal agencies are still weighing their options in light of the decision, the CDC immediately responded with a notification that “[its] Jan. 29, 2021 order requiring masks on public transportation conveyances and at transportation hubs is no longer in effect. Therefore, CDC will not enforce the order.” The CDC, however, is still encouraging people to continue to wear masks in indoor public transportation settings at this time.

In addition, the Transportation Security Administration said it would no longer enforce its security directives and the emergency amendment, which required the use of masks at public transportation hubs or on public transportation conveyances.

The court ruling determined that “the mandate exceeded the CDC’s statutory authority, improperly invoked the good cause exception to notice and comment rulemaking, and failed to adequately explain its decisions.”